Shoghi Effendi Contradicts Abdul-Baha


    During Abdul-Baha’s visit to London in 1911, he had the following interaction with a Christian…

          A student of the modern methods of the higher criticism asked Abdul-Baha if he would do well to continue in the church with which he had been associated all his life, and whose language was full of meaning to him. Abdul-Baha answered: “You must not dissociate yourself from it. Know this; the Kingdom of God is not in any Society; some seekers go through many Societies as a traveler goes through many cities till, he reaches his destination. If you belong to a Society already do not forsake your brothers. You can be a Baha’i-Christian, a Baha’i-Freemason, a Baha’i-Jew, and a Baha’i-Muḥammadán. The number nine contains eight, and seven, and all the other numbers, and does not deny any of them. Do not distress or deny anyone by saying ‘He is not a Baha’i!

           During his tour of North America in 1912, coverage in news stories would report this comment. For example, on February 18, 1912, an article in “The Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Press” featured an article stating “In some respects the Baha’i movement is the most remarkable of modern times. It isn’t a religion, in the sense that Christianity and Mohammedism and other faiths are religions. Its followers belong to many diverse sects, remaining Christian or Mohammedan or Brahmin as the case may be, and still being thorough going Baha’is.” During his visit to London in 1911, Abdul-Baha had stated that “You can be a Baha’i-Christian, a Baha’i-Freemason, a Baha’i-Jew, and a Baha’i-Muḥammadán.”

           And on February 28, 1912, the “SFO Daily News” of San Francisco featured an article stating “In some respects the Baha’i movement is the most remarkable of modern times. It isn’t a religion in the sense that Christianity and Mohammedism and other faiths are religious. Its followers belong to many diverse sects, remaining Christian or Mohammedan or Brahmin as the case may be, and still being thorough going Baha’is” During his visit to London in 1911, Abdul-Baha had stated that “You can be a Baha’i-Christian, a Baha’i-Freemason, a Baha’i-Jew, a Baha’i-Muḥammadán.

           Similarly, on September 1, 1912, “The Oregonian” of Portland, Oregon carried an article about Abdul-Baha, introducing him as the “Leader of Religions Movement Which Claims Three Million Followers” and quoting his statement “When in London he was approached by a student of higher criticism who asked Abdul-Baha if he should continue in the church.” Abdul-Baha replied: “Yes, you must not dissociate yourself from it. Know this: The Kingdom of God is not in any society. If you belong to a society already do not forsake your brothers. You can be a Baha’i-Christian,aBaha’i-Freemason,a Baha’i-Jew, and Baha’i-Mohammedan.”

  A generation later…

          On May 5 1943, a letter written in behalf of Shoghi Effendi said “The friends should by all means be encouraged to withdraw from church membership and be made to realize that, though we as Baha’is are ardent believers in Christ, we do not and cannot support, church institutions and doctrines when Christ has come again and brought new laws for the world today and its present needs; to adhere to forms, mostly man-made, and now out-model and no longer needed, is meaningless. This does not mean they should no longer associate with the church members; they should cease to be registered members of it.”


Baha’is arent believers in Christ

          “The friends should by all means be encouraged to withdraw from church membership and be made to realize that, though we as Baha’is are ardent believers in Christ, we do not and cannot support, church institutions and doctrines when Christ has come again and brought new laws for the world today and its present needs; to adhere to forms, mostly man-made, and now out-model and no longer needed, is meaningless. This does not mean they should no longer associate with the church members; they should cease to be registered members of it.” (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, May 5, 1943)

            On February 12, 1956, Shoghi Effendi addressed a letter to an individual believer addressing “Why Baha’is Are Requested to Withdraw from Membership in the Church, Synagogue, etc.” explaining “that we are the building blocks of Baháulláh’s New World Order … the Baha’is should be absolutely independent, and stand identified only with their own teachings. That is why they are requested to withdraw from membership in the church, the synagogue, or whatever other previous religious organization they may have been affiliated with, to have nothing whatsoever to do with secret societies, or with political movements, etc. It protects the Cause, it reinforces the Cause, and it asserts before the entire world its independent character.”

1389. Why Baha’is Are Requested to Withdraw from Membership in the Church, Synagogue, etc.

             “The point is not that there is something intrinsically wrong with Masonry, which no doubt has many very high ideals and principles, and has had a very good influence in the past.”

             “The reasons why the Guardian feels that it is imperative for the Baha’is to be dissociated from masonry at this time, and I might add, other secret associations, is that we are the building blocks of Bahaullah’s New World Order … the Baha’is should be absolutely independent, and stand identified only with their own teachings. That is why they are requested to withdraw from membership in the church, the synagogue, or whatever other previous religious organization they may have been affiliated with, to have nothing whatsoever to do with secret societies, or with political movements, etc. It protects the Cause, it reinforces the Cause, and it asserts before the entire world its independent character.”

             “Another reason is that unfortunately the tremendous political influences in the world today are seeping deeper and deeper into men’s minds; and movements which in the past were absolutely uninfluenced by any political tinge of thought now in many places are becoming infiltrated with political side-taking and political issues; and it becomes all the more important for the Baha’is to withdraw from them in order to protect the Faith.”

             “The Guardian believes that you, as an intelligent man, a Baha’i, will see the need for this. It is only by all living according to general principles that we can knit the fabric of the Faith all over the world into a closer unity.”

               “He is fully aware that certain individuals are struck much more forcibly by such requests than others. This has been the case with some of the old Baha’is  in England, who have been Masons from their boyhood on; but, as it is his duty to protect the Faith, he can only appeal to the Baha’is to assist him in doing so; and to consider the general good, rather than their personal feelings, however deep they may be, in such matters.” (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, February 12, 1956)


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