Britain’s Role in Consolidation and Expansion of Baha’ism


This article explores the significant role played by Britain in the consolidation and expansion of Baha’ism. It delves into the historical context, highlighting the British support extended to Mirza Hussein Ali (Bahá’u’lláh) even after his exile from Iran. The article discusses the espionage activities of Abbas Effendi (‘Abdu’l‑Bahá) for the British government during World War I, which earned him the title of “Sir.” It also examines the involvement of prominent British figures, such as Foreign Minister Lord Balfour, in protecting and supporting Abbas Effendi. The article further details the British government’s recognition and rewards for Abbas Effendi’s services, including a Knighthood and financial support. Additionally, it touches upon the continued British patronage of Baha’ism, including the attendance of Baha’i representatives at international meetings and the ongoing support for the Baha’i community in Britain. The article concludes by emphasizing the lasting impact of British support on the spread and establishment of Baha’ism.

1.1. British support to Mirza Hussein Ali even after he was exiled from Iran
The October 1917 Russian Revolution for a while preoccupied the Russians with their domestic issues and prevented them from other hegemonic policies. On the other hand, the Bolshevik doctrine, in the early years of its power, showed no willingness towards encouraging hegemonic tendencies. Therefore, Babism and later Baha’ism which were directly or indirectly under the patronage of the Russian government, clearly fell into the hands of the British government. The Baha’i base in Ishqabad was thus closed down. Qarn-e Badi, one of the reliable sources of Baha’is, writes in this connection:

“Colonel Arnold Combal was the consul general of the British government in Baghdad. Noticing the sublime personality of Master Bahá’u’lláh), he wrote a friendly note to him asking him to accept the support and citizenship of his government. Being received in audience, he undertook the responsibility of making the required efforts in sending Bahá’u’lláh)’s letter to the British court if the Master desired to correspond with Queen Victoria. He even proposed that he was ready to provide facilities for the transfer of the residence of the Master to India or wherever he desired.”
(Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy) vol.2, p.126)

1.2. Espionage activities of Abbas Effendi for British Government earned him the title of “SIR”
At the outset of World WarI, the leadership of Baha’ism was in the hands of Abbas Effendi, the eldest son of Bahá’u’lláh). This man pretended to be Muslim and attended congregational prayers of Muslims in spite of the apparent prohibition by the Baha’i Faith. (Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy), vol.3, p.318)
However, as soon as the British imperialists scored victories in the war with the Ottomans, which drew Palestine into conflict, the Baha’is acted as a powerful espionage group in support of the British Government and against the Moslems and the Ottoman government.
Abbas Effendi went so far that Jamal Pasha, commander of the Ottoman forces, decided to hang him on the slope of Mount Carmel. (Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy) vol.2, p.297)
As soon as the British cabinet received news of this through the British army intelligence, Lord Curzon and Lord Lamington began taking measures, and Lord Balfore, the British Foreign Minister (promoter of the Zionist government) immediately cabled General Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine, ordering him to use all his power to protect Abbas Effendi, his family and friends. After conquering Haifa and saving Abbas Effendi from Jamal Pasha, he transmitted a cable to London and reported the safety and health of Abbas Effendi to the officials.

1.3. Foreign Minister Lord Balfour (1848 – 1930)
Abbas Effendi was rewarded with a large amount of money and as well a Knighthood bearing the title of “Sir”.
In this connection, Bloomfield writes

“…The British Government honored ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá (Abbas Effendi) with a Knighthood, which he accepted as a gesture of honoring formally by a just king.”
(God Passes By, p.179)

During the leadership of Abbas Effendi, the Ottomans were embroiled in military hostilities with the British, and since Abbas Effendi was an advocate of the British government, he would collect military information in Akka and Haifa. He would also provide the English forces with the required foodstuff.
After the Ottomans found out that Abbas Effendi and his followers were spying for the British government in Palestine and that he was a British mercenary, as Shoghi Effendi has asserted in his book Qarn-e Badi the commander-in-chief of the Ottoman government Jamal Pasha decided to execute Abbas Effendi for his espionage acts. (Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy), vol.3, p.291). But Britain in an open support for Abbas Effendi, commissioned the then Foreign Minister Lord Balfour to send a cable to the commander of the British corps in Palestine General Lord Allenby, stressing protection for Master Abdul- Baha (Abbas Effendi), his family and his friends. (Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy), vol.3, p.297)

The possible arrest and execution of Abbas Effendi was reported to Lord Cruisen by Jamal Pasha but General Allenby in a pre-emptive action, seized Haifa and cabled to London: “Palestine was seized today. Inform the world that ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá is alive.”
(God Passes By, p.170)

Abdul Hussein Avareh writes in his book: “Seemingly, the British commander who seized Haifa in 1918 had received the special order to be received in audience by ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá. That is to say, he had been commissioned by the British empire to meet Master ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá upon his arrival in Haifa, and the British king decorated him with Knighthood.” (Ayati, Kavakeb-ud Dorriyeh, vol. 2 p.305).
‘Abdu’l‑Bahá was receiving the medal of Knighthood.
Lady Bloomfield writes The English Government according to its usual system for protecting and encouraging the heroes awarded ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá a medal of knighthood which is ordered by the just King as a sign of honor for him and he accepted it. (Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy) vol.3, p.399)
In gratitude for receiving the title of ‘Sir’, Abbas Effendi prayed for the grandeur of the British King, George V, and the continuation of his rule in Palestine:

“O God, the royal court has been set up throughout this realm, from East to the West, and I thank you for such a powerful and just kingdom which does its best for the welfare of the people. O Lord! Let the great empire of George V, the King of Britain be victorious and make his kingdom everlasting.”

Abbas Effendi wrote a letter of gratitude

“O God, the tabernacle of justice has truly been erected on this holy land, and we thank and praise Thee. O God, may Emperor George V, Ruler of Britain, be assisted in his divine achievements, and May his shadow over this realm be everlasting.”
(Abbas Effendi, Makatib, vol 3 p.347)

1.4. ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá was receiving the medal of Knighthood
The crystal-clear connection between Baha’is and the British government does not end here. In his various interviews arranged during his trips to Europe, ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá once said in London:

“The power which attracted me towards you was the same magnet of your love. The Britons I have met so far had pure souls and were active for the purpose of peace (the British-type peace and the kind of unity to the advantage of the British government). Therefore, London would be suitable for the spread of this task (Baha’ism).
(Abbas Effendi, khetabat (Persian copy) vol. 1 pp. 23 – 25)

In one of his speeches, quoted from the book Collections of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá’s Orations ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá addresses his English audience and says:

“I am satisfied with the people and government of Britain…My coming here, has resulted in consolidation of friendship between Iran and Britain. This friendship will soon reach the extent that Iranians would sacrifice their lives for the sake of Britain.”
(Abbas Effendi, Khetabat, vol. 1 p.23)

1.5. British condolence at Death of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá
Abbas Effendi, after making several trips to Europe and America with the objective of presenting Baha’ism as a common ideal among all religions and all peace-loving nations was warmly received by his masters and finally gave up his ghost in 1921. The diplomatic representative of Britain in the Middle East, sent messages of condolences to the Baha’is.
During his funeral processions high-ranking British personalities such as Herbert Samuel and Sir Ronald Stores were present. On this occasion, The British secretary of state for colonies, Mr. Winston Churchill telegraphed sent a cable of condolences to Haifa which read:

“I hereby convey the sympathy and condolences of the Majesty government of Britain to the Baha’i community. Similar cables have been sent by other high-ranking British officials on this occasion.” (Shoghi Effendi, Qarn-e Badi, vol.3 p.322).

Similarly, General Congreve (Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Expeditionary force), General Sir Arthur Money (Former Chief Administrator of Palestine) and other official of the British Government transmitted similar telegraphs.
Britain’s support for Baha’ism has continued till the present time and comprehensive research works have been conducted by major British universities to explore the possibility of further promotion of this pseudo-religion.
In Akhbar-e Amri magazine, the official publication of Baha’i circle, published in 1919, it was reported that Baha’i representatives attended meetings of the international union held in Colonge, West Germany along with high-ranking officials, including the former British prime minister. The same magazine some six years later congratulated the king of England on the occasion of his birthday in an official note sealed by the Baha’i circle and the king in return thanked them.
There are several other instances but generally it could be said that Britain patronized the spread of Baha’ism by encouraging ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá who was later decorated with medals for his espionage acts. ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá’s grandson, Shoghi Effendi, is buried in London. Today, many Baha’is are active in Britain and have invested in Britain’s economic activities.

In conclusion, the historical relationship between the British government and the Baha’i Faith played a pivotal role in the consolidation and expansion of Baha’ism. The support extended to key figures like Mirza Hussein Ali (Bahá’u’lláh) and Abbas Effendi (‘Abdu’l‑Bahá) by British officials underscores the strategic importance of this alliance. The espionage activities of Abbas Effendi during World War I, which earned him a Knighthood, highlight the mutual benefits derived from this relationship. The continued patronage and recognition by the British government, including financial support and honors, facilitated the spread of Baha’ism. This enduring support has left a lasting impact, with the Baha’i community remaining active and influential in Britain to this day. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the British involvement in promoting Baha’ism, emphasizing the geopolitical and religious implications of this alliance.

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