Persecution and Expulsion of Persian Baha’is in Baha’i Administration The UHJ against the OBF Baha’is


         Since the advent of different Sects of Baha’is, the Baha’i Administration is trying very hard to purge the Persian Baha’is from Baha’i Administration. The Baha’is, especially those from the Jewish background, are of the opinion that Persian Baha’is are behind the development of sects. Recently with the appointment of Nosratullah Bahramand, a Persian by origin, as the fourth Guardian, the Persian Baha’is are having soft corner for him. The Persian Baha’is are feeling that their due right is not being given by the Baha’i administration, although they have sacrificed and served a lot and faced persecution in most countries.

        Very recently a prominent Heterodox Baha’i, Omid Seioshanseian, who was born in Qatar, is blacklisted in Qatar. Government authorities in that country have accused him for criminal and national security charges. Mr. Omid now will have to face severe penalties in Qatar’s judicial system. And has been denied entry.

         Although Bani Dugal, the BIC’s Principal Representative to the United Nations has said that the Baha’i International Community is saddened that the State of Qatar has chosen to expel members of a community that has peacefully coexisted in and contributed to the progress of the country, but many prominent Baha’is are of the opinion that Universal House of Justice is behind the expelling of Omid, as they are in cleansing process of Persian Baha’is, and Omid a high ranking Persian Baha’i in the Baha’i Administration, with an eye on getting selected to the UHJ, has a lot of cloud in country like India.

          Recently another high ranking Persian Baha’i, a counselor, Dr. Jabbar Eidelkhani who has served for many years in Bangladesh was also removed from his post as a continental Counselor, and a very insignificant Indian Baha’i was asked to wear his shoes.

          Another Persian lady, a former Baha’i Counselor and member of the NSA of India, Mrs. Zena Sorabjee, was asked to resign/retire from NSA after being elected to NSA.

             In Heterodox organisation a thought is prevailing that Persian Baha’is are working in groups and have soft corner for the Persian fourth Guardian Nosratullah Bahramand of the Orthodox Baha’i Faith who is calling his shots from Australia.

      We have to wait and watch who is next in their list of expulsion.



  Received by Email, identity of the author is kept hidden on her request.

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