How many Bahá’ís are in India?


           The recent monthly circulation of Bahá’ís, the Bahá’í news India issue (VII July 2010) has revealed shocking facts through an article titled “Preparations of Government of India Census 2011″.
These are summarized as under:
1) There have been rigorous conversion activities over the past fifty years by the Bahá’í Faith.
2) These conversions were accelerated with the construction of the Lotus Temple at Delhi and with the visits of Hands of the Cause Dr. Rahmatulláh Muhájir, and Amatu’l- Bahá Ruhiyyih Khánum.
3) Though the Bahá’í records of the data on Bahá’í population shows that one time it had crossed two millions yet the Census of India reports of 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 show only a fraction of the total number Bahá’ís throughout the country. This means that the census department of India fumbled four times to give accurate number of Bahá’ís. Just to cite an example, Bahá’í census figures in 1991 was 5575 and in 2001 it was 11,324 against 2.2 million claimed by the Bahá’í administration.
4) Through the article we understand this is largely due to illiteracy and lack of distinct identifying characteristics of rural Indians. Does it not mean that conversions were done deceptively without an individual ever knowing that he has accepted the Bahá’í Faith? Does it also not indicate that the Bahá’ís have been targeting rural Indians (mostly in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh) for the past so many years?
5) The article suggests that Bahá’í Faith members display Bahá’í Faith identification stickers in their houses so that the official GOI census official can enter the religious identity accurately. This is a very big accusation against both the individual being interviewed and the GOI census official! Are both these so gullible that one will forget to declare his allegiance to the Bahá’í Faith and the other will record it based on stickers/posters on the wall! Is it not some sort of racist discrimination practiced by the Bahá’í Faith governing body, many of them being of Iranian origin. Should we tolerate such an assessment of our fellow countrymen!
6) The article suggests that the Bahá’í Faith machinery will attempt to contact government officials from highest level down to panchayat level. Is this not some sort of influencing the government officials in performance of their duty? Should not serious action be taken against the Bahá’í Faith for this?
7) Lastly, the article silently threatens the readers that giving wrong information to the census department is punishable! Do we need to learn this from scoundrels who have always used deception to inflate numbers, perform conversion activities and get government concessions? In fact the action should be taken against the Bahá’í administration for misguiding the world since last so many years.
At the end, can Bahai administration explain why the number of local spiritual assemblies mentioned in Bahá’í world  [vol  XVIII (1979-1983)]. In India was more than 10,000 while the present number of assemblies is only 600 –Which is just 6% who is responsible for this gross exaggeration– the census department of government of India or the Bahá’í adminstration themselves?

         Dear readers, I have worked for Bahá’ís for many years. Never even in their exaggerated record the Bahá’í population reached even the figure of 20,000. Everybody at the top is absolutely convinced that there is gross exaggeration in the Bahá’í population in India and elsewhere in the world, but nobody wants to accept publicly because of fear of sanctions from the Universal House of Justice. Moreover the Bahá’ís claims that 40% of Baha’i population resides in India, which is just 11324. Is it not easy now to assess world Bahá’í population? Let someone also open the can of worms on authentic world Bahá’í population!

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