there is another reply about the prohibition of teaching in Israel



They both owned, bought and sold black slaves.

They both owned, bought and sold black slaves. Baha’u’llah forbade the slave trade in the Aqdas, not slavery itself. One of the first laws that the Confederate States of America enacted was to make the slave TRADE illegal. But slavery itself continued! Baha’is in the Ottomon Empire and Egypt continued to own black slaves until these areas fell under British rule,and trade of slaves was forbidden by the common law.

First Answer


The Writings say that the “Torah” (five books of Moses) were written by Him, contradicting what liberal scholars say on this issue. There is nothing in the Writings or pilgrims’ notes to even suggest that the Bible is full of “myths” or “errors” but that certain parts of the Bible should be considered parable or metaphor rather than literal (such as Eve eating a piece of fruit after being tempted by a talking snake).

Another Answer

He is the son of Mirza Hadi Afnan

He is the son of Mirza Hadi Afnan and `Abdu’l-Bahá’s daughter. He studied in American University of Beirut and University of Oxford. After `Abdu’l-Bahá’s death, the leadership of the Baha’is was given to Shoghi Effendi. However, some did not accept this decision and another denomination among Baha’i’s was created. Some prominent teachers of Baha’ism such as Abdul-Hussain Ayati, Fazlollah Sobhi (scriber of `Abdu’l-Bahá), Mirza Hussain Nikoo and other Baha’i’s converted to Islam. Each writing a book about their conversion and Shoghi Effendi’s history.

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Bahais have been fragmented into divisions at the death of every leader.

Bahais have been fragmented into divisions at the death of every leader. The more known groups being the followers of:
1. The Universal House of Justice,
2. The Orthodox Bahais,
3. Tarbiyat Bahai community,
4. The Remey Society,
5. and many more…

Another Answer

Neither The Bab nor Baha’u’llah mentioned anything about the oppressions against the Blacks

Neither The Bab nor Baha’u’llah mentioned anything about the oppressions against the Blacks. They had black slaves. They did NOT write that races are “equal”.
Abdu’l-Baha did NOT say that the races were equal, but that the Persian race was the most intelligent at birth.
Shoghi Effendi NOWHERE wrote or said that the races are equal in intelligence. He did NOT condemn scientific racism (something he was taught at Oxford as scientifically proven fact), but rather “racialism”; the philosophy that one race can dominate others.

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Nothing in the Writings

Nothing in the Writings, nor in the Pilgrim’s Notes, says anything close to that. The Writings say that Christ came to offer Himself as an atonement for the sins of all mankind! That was His mission; nothing about uniting cities or trying to improve the rights of women or minorities.

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He is from the first wife of Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri, Nawwabah. Baha’u’llah had three other children from his other wife, Mahd-e Olia, and his other son Muhammad `Ali Effendi was among them. According to the Will and Testament of Baha’u’llah, after `Abdu’l-Bahá, Muhammad `Ali should succeed him, but after the death of Baha’u’llah, numerous disputes occurred between the brothers. `Abbas Effendi called the followers of his brother the ‘covenant breakers’ and named themselves the covenants.

All of this happened while `Abdu’l-Bahá himself has said: …fair notice should be given to a person that is crippled for nurturing his own children and family; How could we put faith in such a person’s guidance for all humans, is there any doubt and uncertainty for this matter? Indeed there is not!

Another Answer

There is NOTHING in the Writings

There is NOTHING in the Writings nor the pilgrim’s notes to suggest that. None of the Manifestations of God recognized or mentioned in the Writings or pilgrim’s notes were female.

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UHJ ‘s message

According to message of UHJ the Baha’i faith should not be thought in Israel. Even it should not be thought to Israelis who live out of Israel, but intend to return to Israel.

 (From a message written by the order of UHJ on 2.06.1995)

Another Answer

The word Krishna means “dark blue”

No.The word Krishna means “dark blue”. The baby was born with a very rare birth-defect that turns light skin blue.
Krishna is presented in the Bhagavad-Gita, and in Hindu tradition, as an Aryan of the Warrior caste. All of the Manifestations of God in the Adamic Cycle have been Caucasian men.

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Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’i and Sayyid Kazim Rashti

In the 19th century, after the wars between Iran and the Russian government, there was a low morale among the people which made the government lose its people’s trust. People were all looking for a breakthrough.

It was then that Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’i, who knew himself as a Muslim clergy claimed that Islam has ‘four pillars’, Tawhid, Nubuwwah, Imamah and the fourth pillar and claimed to be the fourth pillar himself.

Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’i appointed Sayyid Kazim Rashti as his successor, he continued the claim of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’i, though before his death he did not choose any successor for himself.

Another Answer


After Báb’s execution, Amir Kabir (then prime minister) who was aware of Baha’u’llah previous actions for the Bábi movement, announced that Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri has damaged 25 million Rials to the treasury (half the cost of wars between Iran and Russia) and exiled him to Iraq. However after Amir Kabir was killed, Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri returned to Iran and immediately plotted and aided an assassination on Nasser al-Din Shah (then King of Iran). The attempt was unsuccessful, leading to capturing many Bábis.

Oddly, all of Bábi prisoners were killed except Baha’u’llah! He had a guardian angel from Russia which told the prime minister that Baha’u’llah is a trust of Russia and no harm should come to him.

Iran had to exile him and his brother to Iraq.

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Mirza Hussain Ali Noori

Mirza Hussain Ali Noori, Bahaullah (1817-1892) is the founder of the Bahai Faith. His position within the Faith is unclear. He first claimed to be the successor to the Bab, then announced he brought a new religion abrogating Bab’s religion, and finally declared he was God Himself.

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he created the ‘twelve Bahá’i teachings’

In his last years, he traveled to Europe and America, and came aware of some western trending thoughts. Using them, he created the ‘twelve Baha’i teachings’.

He died at 1921 and was buried at Haifa. Many representatives of Britain were present at his funeral.

He did not have any sons. By writing the Will and Testament for Baha’i leaders, he created the Chain of Guardians.

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Baha’i division

In Iraq, Baha’u’llah was taking matters in his own hand, and this infuriated Subh-i-Azal and caused a quarrel between the two brothers. As a result, Baha’u’llah left for the mountains of Soleimani.

His majesty was living there with special cloth and a dervish kashkool (a beggar’s bowl) and used the fake name ‘Darvish Muhammad’.

He studied irfan and alchemy. After two years in the Soleimani Mountains he decided to come back to Iraq. Baha’u’llah requested permission from his brother Mirzá Yahyá Núri Subh-i-Azal.

There came the summons bidding us return whence we came. Surrendering our will to His, We submitted to His injunction.

After his return to Iraq, because of the disturbance they made, Bábis were again exiled to Istanbul.

At 1863 en route to Istanbul, Baha’u’llah declared his perceived mission and claimed to be the ‘manifestation of God’, even though Báb prophesized that such a person will rise in 1511 years later. Along with Baha’u’llah, 25 other people declared to be the manifestation of God.

When the declaration of Baha’u’llah reached to the Bábi population, it created a new division:

The followers of Subh-i-Azal, were named Azalis (or Bábis).

The followers of Baha’u’llah were named Baha’is.

The division took the dispute between the brothers to a new level. The Azalis were exiled to Famagusta in Cyprus and the Baha’i were sent to Acre in Palestine. Subh-i-Azal died in Palestine, Baha’u’llah died in Acre.

Baha’u’llah had other claims for himself, other than ‘Manifestation of God’, he knew himself as a mortal ant , and at some times, he knew himself from the deities and as the God of all Gods.

All his claims were made, while he knew Prophet Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets.

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Bahaullah was a follower of Bab

Bahaullah was a follower of Bab, but was not amongst his early and ardent followers. In fact, Bahaullah was not one of the 19 special companions of Bab called the Letters of Living. Bab had nominated Bahaullah’s brother Mirza Yahya (Subhe Azal) his successor and not Bahaullah. However, Bahaullah disregarded Subhe Azal and claimed Prophethood for himself. Subhe Azal did not recognize Bahaullah as a prophet.

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Since Sayyid Kazim Rashti did not appoint any successor his disciples were all looking for a new leader, after a quarrel between his disciples, Siyyid `Ali Muhammad Shirázi who call himself the Báb of Imam Mahdi – by which he meant that he himself is the intermediate whom Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa’i was meant i.e. the fourth pillar – came out victorious over others.

Another Answer

The Universal House of Justice is located in Haifa

The Universal House of Justice is located in Haifa, Israel. The Bahai Faith is a state religion in Israel – a country dominated, managed and run by Jews, who are widely considered as the greatest enemies of Islam. Incidentally, the Bahais, despite their claims of forming a Universal Religion, are not permitted to teach the Bahai Faith to the Jews of Israel.

Another Answer


No! He said that Universal Peace would be established in 1957. He said that under the Law of Moses a thief’s hand could be cut off. Both untrue! He identified the “24 Elders” in the Book of Revelations as “the Bab, the 18 Letters of the Living, and 5 others” in one place; and identified the same 24 Elders as the 24 Guardians during the Baha’i Revelation in another, contradicting Himself!
He did refer to the “Infallible Pen” and indeed, nothing He wrote has been contradicted by science or history, but many things He said or purported to have said have been contradictory to science, history, and even Himself.

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Based on the Will and Testament

Based on the Will and Testament, the guardians will come one after another, and each will chose their successor, and the guardian is the permanent head of the House of Justice. According to the Will and Testament’, Shoghi Effendi, the grandson of `Abdu’l-Bahá, was chosen as the first guardian, and after him, from his sons, the primogeniture would be the next guardian.

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There is nothing in the Writings nor the pilgrim’s notes confirming this

There is nothing in the Writings nor the pilgrim’s notes confirming this! Shoghi Effendi recognizes only four “atonements”:
*Ishmael (offered as a test upon Abraham)
*Jesus (died so that the sins “of all mankind” be forgiven)
*Imam Husayn (blood atoned for collective sins of Shia Muslim community)
*Mirza Mihdi (died for the sins of the Baha’is against Baha’u’llah…allowing them to re-enter His presence)
The ONLY Manifestation of God in that list is Jesus Christ. His death was a “universal atonement” as it has an effect “on all created things”.

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In Badasht

In 1844 Báb claimed that he is the gate of Imam Mahdi. Later in 1848 a group of Bábis gathered at a place called Badasht. The major leaders of this group were Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri, Zarrin Taj and Mirzá `Ali Muhammad Barforush. They concluded that as of now, Islam is outdated and obsolete! Right away the title of Táhirih was given to Zarrin Taj, the title of Baha’u’llah was given to Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri and the title of Quddus was given to Mirzá `Ali Muhammad Barforush. The announcement, made Mulla Hussain Boshru’i furious, as a result he said:

If I was present at Badasht, I would have punished them with my sword


Following the events of Badasht, Báb declared:

I am the Qa’im that you were promised to his appearance.

Even after this, Báb claimed to be a prophet and revealed a new book named Bayán. Before his death, he took his series of claims to a new level and claimed to be God.

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The Bahai Faith has no relation to Islam

The Bahai Faith has no relation to Islam. In fact, the only relationship it has is that it was formulated to create sedition amongst the Muslims and curb the growing influence of Islam. The Bahais are universally accepted to be outside the fold of Islam due to their polytheistic beliefs, denial of finality of Prophethood of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), rejection of the Day of Judgment and other such beliefs. All Muslims scholars, irrespective of their denomination, have disassociated Bahaism from Islam.

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The Writings say that the Prophets have various “ranks”

The Writings say that the Prophets have various “ranks”. A Tablet of ‘Abdu’l-Baha says that the Prophets can be likened to the parts of a human body, with Brain, Heart, etc; He likens Baha’u’llah to the Brain, Jesus to the Heart, and the Other Prophets to the less important parts of the Body. Shoghi Effendi called Baha’u’llah the “Supreme Manifestation of God”. By “no distinguish between them” Baha’u’llah was NOT condemning their ranking, but rather condemning what the Christians and Jews were doing in his days, accepting some and rejecting others as Prophets!

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The “Principles” were first called the “Foundations of World Unity” and they were never put forth as the summon bonum of Baha’i beliefs,nor basic Baha’i beliefs. They were compiled as “Foundations” to present to world peace clubs and race unity clubs, to find common ground with them, so that Baha’is could speak at such meetings, and to talk to others about the Faith.

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As a result of Báb’s new claim and the events of Badasht, Nasser al-Din Shah who was the crown prince at that time, summoned Báb to Tabriz and questioned him about his claim. His attempts to answer the questions was futile, after 11 strokes to his leg, he repented of his claims (as the Báb or Imam Mahdi). He was not executed because of these claims which was declared mentally unstable. However because of the magnitude of the nationwide chaos which he brought to Iran, he was executed later.

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Origin of Baha’ism

The idea of a Messiah rising and conquering the world to a ubiquitous justice has been present in all Abrahamic religions. In Islam, Prophet Muhammad talks about a ‘universal kingdom’, ‘the annihilation of oppression and tyranny’ and ‘filling the world with justice and fairness’. In Prophet Muhammad’s traditions he has introduced Imam Mahdi as the twelfth Imam and the eleventh son of Imam Ali and the ninth son of Imam Hussein which will have a long occultation. In the past 180 years, the belief of Mahdi has been attacked by some groups. Among these groups are Baha’ism.

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Baha’u’llah called homosexuality HARAM (absolutely forbidden) for Baha’is.

Baha’u’llah called homosexuality HARAM (absolutely forbidden) for Baha’is. The term sin-covering eye referred to “minor sin” (sagirah). There is no exact Arabic word for “sin”. There is one for major sin(kabirah) and one for minor sin(sagirah).Baha’u’llah used the one for minor sins.
He considered LIWAT (male homosexual acts) and SIHAQ (female homosexual acts) to be among “satanic deeds”; another name for MAJOR sins. He likened LIWAT and SIHAQ to ZINA (adultery/fornication).

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Baha’u’llah in a pilgrim’s note says how the World Order of Baha’u’llah will be established

Baha’u’llah in a pilgrim’s note says how the World Order of Baha’u’llah will be established. It will come after a World Union is formed. The World Union will outlaw religion because of wars and terrorism and enmity between religious groups. Religion will be outlawed by the World Union. However, in one or two generations, the leaders of the World Union will see that mankind will become too corrupted without organized religion, so they will choose the Baha’i Faith among all the religions as the most suiting of the needs of world unity, and thus all children will then be raised as Baha’is, and then the World Order of Baha’u’llah will begin.

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the Bahais do not have any leader

This really depends on which Bahai sect you follow (refer to the question on Bahai sects). The Bahai Faith has been designated to be led by a Guardian. Shoghi Effendi, the first guardian of the Bahai Faith, died in 1957 without any children or appointing the next Guardian. Since then the Bahais do not have any leader

Another Answer


One of the important teachings of Bahaullah is the truth seeking. It means every person should search for truth independently, with his (her) own thinking and efforts. Every person should avoid from unscientific following from their fathers or other people. And since there is only one truth so all the human beings will reach in a unique truth. In this way, all the disputes and conflicts which are caused by different followings and imitations will disappear. For a real true seeking you should clean your heart from impurities and imitations and pay full attention to the almighty God.


Abdul-Baha says:’ the first institution of Bahaullah is “truth seeking”. It means the souls should leave any following and imitation for their forefathers and try to purify and sanctify themselves.”

He has also said:’ the seeker of the path of rescue will perform truth seeking and will hate all the aspects of imitation. This age is the age of truth. The hatred old thoughts of thousands years ago, even originated from the wise, clever, and knowledgeable people are left aside in this great century and new thoughts and views have been flourished in different aspects. For example the old knowledge is abandoned and the new knowledge is accepted, the old politics are left aside and the new politics are concerned; the old sciences have been completely abandoned and the new sciences are well accepted. The old customs and traditions have been left and the new ones are being practiced. all the new and current norms ,researches ,discoveries and inventions are astonishing for the wise people and all the affaires have become new ; so the divine truths should become new either . All the imitations should be thrown away, and the light of should be attended and the teachings that are the spirits of this age should be developed. and (one of them is) the seeking of truth taught by Bahaullah that is very popular throughout the world and is like the blowing of the holy spirit , and its key word is truth seeking , or forget the imitations and light up the lamp of truth.”                           

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Bahai Faith in Brief

The Bahai Faith (founder: Mirza Hussain Ali Noori, Bahaullah) was born out the Babi Faith (founder: Mirza Ali Mohammed Shirazi, The Bab) in Iran in the nineteenth century. The brainchild of Russia, the Babi and the Bahai Faiths were nurtured by the British government to curb the growing influence of Islam. Currently, the headquarters of the Bahai Faith is in Israel.

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The Kitab-i-Aqdas was the Addendum to the Babi book of Laws, Bayan and Qayammul-Asma’,which forbade abortion and divorce. Baha’u’llah abrogates the no divorce law, but not the no abortion law. The Aqdas cannot be understood without the Asma, because it is only the Addendum to the Asma.Shoghi Effendi repeatedly said that abortion was “absolutely forbidden” for Baha’is, without making exceptions to this rule.

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Shoghi Effendi applied the structure of the European parties he saw

Shoghi Effendi applied the structure of the European parties he saw, and created the Local Spiritual Assembly and National Spiritual Assembly and had them registered as religious organizations or even as commercial organizations in different countries. It is because of these structured organizations that Baha’ism is still present.

Shoghi brought ‘shunning’ to the Baha’i faith, meaning that whoever objects the guardian in any fashion, will first be shunned from the organization and if needed, shunned from his family too. Contrary to this, `Abdu’l-Bahá has previously said: Why should we say he is a Jewish or he is a Christian, and they are Buddhists, this (matter) doesn’t have anything to do with us. God has created us all and burdened us to be polite to all. However issues related to beliefs (of people) is for God (to judge) and at the Judgement Day he will punish and recompense. God has not chosen us as their reckoner.

The Israelis established themselves at `Abdu’l-Bahá’s era, and as a result of his service to the Israelis, the Baha’i assets and affairs have been free from tax ever since.

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The purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to establish the Justice of God on Earth

The purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to establish the Justice of God on Earth; to end injustice in all forms, so that Mankind may be spared from the Wrath of God (final extinction).

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Baha’u’llah described the conditions

Baha’u’llah described the conditions, including the stench, of the Siyah Chal (“Black Pit”) as being “beyond description”. This does not mean that we cannot imagine it, nor the Siyah Chal was a metaphor or parable of some personal suffering of His that we cannot comprehend. Baha’u’llah affirms the Quranic descriptions of the After life in His Tablet to Varqa.

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Bahai view on Finality of Prophethood

In my earlier articles, I have provided verses from the Holy Quran and traditions which unequivocally state that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is the last and final of the God-sent Prophets and Messenger s. Moreover, it is established that Islam is the last divine religion and the Holy Quran the last Message from God for mankind.
Despite this explicit Quranic guidance, the Bahais somehow tend to insist that Bahaullah is the continuation in the chain of Messengers (Manifestation in the words of the Bahais). In order to address this Bahai misconception, I thought it worthwhile to cite Bahaullah’s own words acknowledging that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is the last Prophet and Messenger.
In Ishraqaat, p 293 Bahaullah writes: “Blessings and salutations be on the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) – the leader of the universe, the nourisher of the nations, the one by whom Messengership and Prophethood was terminated and upon his progeny and his companions; a perpetual and never ending blessing and salutation.”
On page 293 of Badie, Bahaullah, writes: “Blessings and salutations be upon the Holy Prophet (pbuh), the leader of the universe, the nourisher of the nations, one by whom was terminated Messengership and Prophethood, and also upon his progeny and his companions.”
The great Bahai scholar Ishraq Khavari from the writings of Bahaullah has also conceded that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is the last Prophet.
“Surely Allah has, in the Holy Quran, named the Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) as the last prophet and has terminated the series of Prophethood through his beloved existence (pbuh). In the chapter of Ahzab, it is revealed – Mohammed (pbuh) is not the father of any of your men, but his is the messenger of Allah and the last prophet. (Ref: Qamoose’ Tauqee Manee, volume 1, page 114)
Dr. Mohammed Alam Qurayshi

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There is NOTHING in the Writings or the pilgrims’ notes to suggest this

There is NOTHING in the Writings or the pilgrims’ notes to suggest this! In His Tablet to Varqa, Baha’u’llah is quite explicit that Paradise and Hell-fire are metaphors in this life, but “realities” in the Afterlife, and that if such realities did not exist in the Afterlife, then the Cause of God was pointless.

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The Writings of the Bab speak of “return”

The Writings of the Bab speak of “return”, that the souls of the Prophets, the Saints, and “certain Chosen Ones” will RETURN in every Dispensation. In other words, the soul of Muhammad returned as Mulla Husayn, the first believer in The Bab. The Bab was the “return” of Imam Mahdi, a young boy who died falling into a well 1000 lunar years before The Bab declared He was the Mahdi !
Baha’u’llah wrote that he was the return of “Jesus, the spirit of God”. ‘Abdu’l-Baha said that “human souls” do not return to THIS planet. The Sufis taught that when a man became a WALI (“Saint”) he no longer had a human soul, but an angel soul or a divine soul. This occurred when the Seeker extinguished his “ego” (human soul), and his nafs (self) is fana’ (“blown out like a candle”). Other incarnations on other planets are not ruled out, and seem to be at least hinted at in some Writings and pilgrim notes. The souls of Prophets are pre-existent, and thus not human souls. The souls of the Saints are not “human souls” because they have extinguished their human souls and the only eternal thing that remains in them is the Divine, or Angelic, Soul.

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countries kept ties with `Abdu’l-Bahá

Contrary to his father, `Abdu’l-Bahá did not associate with only one country. At first, he continued his father’s path and used their friendship to build the first ever ‘Baha’i house of worship’.

The extent of the affiliation is such that Abu’l-fazl Golpayegani has quoted from `Abdu’l-Bahá that we should always keep in mind the protection and justice of the Russian Government and persistently request for the support and strengthening of The Great Emperor.

Later he prayed for Ottoman’s government too.

Once the Ottoman’s government found out that `Abdu’l-Bahá is spying for the Britain, they decided to execute him. But since the Britain’s government supported `Abdu’l-Bahá, they saved him from death.

Curiously after Britain’s seizure of Palestine, he was given the Knighthood rank and was titled as Sir.

As a sign of kindness, `Abdu’l-Bahá prayed for George V the King of the United Kingdom.

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the position of the Guardian

Abdul-Baha has stated in the Will and Testament, p.11:

“He (the Guardian) is the sign of God, and the selected branch, the divide deputy, a reference for all the branches, Afnans , the hands of the cause, and the friends of god, and the interpreter of the divine verses; and the same are his elder sons in every coming generation.”

In p.13 of the above text, Abdul-Baha includes: “Beware, o’ friends of God! That the Guardian should appoint and acknowledge the next Guardian, during his life time, so as to avoid any dispute and division(s). The appointed person should be symbol of divine sanctity, purity, chastity, Knowledge, qualities, and perfection. Therefore, if the elder son of Guardian would not have the qualities and virtues of his father … then the Guardian should appoint another son…

Now compare the above mentioned text with the following phrase:

Abdul-Baha in his explanation about the revelations of John (in the New Testament), “and those 24 old people who are sitting on their thrones, in the presence of God…..” has stated:

“In the circle of every prophet, his appointed deputies are 12. During the time of Jacob, they were 12 sons. And at the time of Moses, they were 12 leaders of the tribes.

And during the time of Jesus Christ, they were 12 companions. And at the time of the holly Muhammad (p.b.u.h) they were 12 Imams. But in the current great dispensation they are 24!! They have been doubles. The dignity of the current dispensation requires so. The said 24 Guardians have been sitting in their thrones, in the presence of God, i.e. they have eternal governance….

 Unfortunately, his interpretation about those 24 old people, and his prediction about the successors of Shoghi were mistakes. Shoghi was barren, and the Baha’is encountered a serious challenge about the legitimacy of the UHJ.

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the Universal House of Justice

Since the leadership issue cannot go unanswered, one of the Bahai sects has made makeshift arrangements of appointing a council of 9 members, called the Universal House of Justice, to lead them.

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Baha’u’llah said that Jesus had the “Power of the Great Ether”

Baha’u’llah said that Jesus had the “Power of the Great Ether” and this is why He arose from the dead. Abdu’l-Baha’s explanations of the Resurrection of Christ in “Some Answered Questions” were TA’WIL (esoteric explanations of literal events). He said that the disciples “saw Christ living” after His death. He did not arise in a physical body, but in His ethereal form which Abdu’l-Baha called the “Reality of Christ”.

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Bahá’u’lláh & Subh-i-Azal

Báb appointed Mirzá Yahyá Núri – Subh-i-Azal – as his successor, thus Mirzá Yahyá knew himself as a Bábis person with no new claim of a new religion. However, since he was an incompetent person, his brother, Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri handled most of the affairs.

At his childhood, Mirzá Husayn-Ali Núri was taught science and basic skills by his father, close relatives and his private tutor, so he did not need to go to school. Having said, he was like Siyyid `Ali Muhammad Báb, and claimed to be illiterate and untaught.

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Shoghi Effendi

Shoghi Effendi died in 1957 in London, and was buried there. Since he was sterile, he had no children and even left without a successor, thus creating many disputes in the aftermath; all contrary to the Will and Testament of `Abdu’l-Bahá.

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Sufi writings say the same thing

Sufi writings say the same thing, and Baha’u’llah once studied among the Sufis of Kurdistan. But the Sufis did not deny the existence of Heaven and Hell. They deny they are “geographic locations” as the old Muslim philosophers had taught for centuries (i.e. Paradise was just beyond the fixed stars…fixed in a crystal sphere, and Hell was under the earth in great caverns of fire). The Sufis said we create our Heaven or Hell, depending upon the condition of our soul at death. In other words, if our soul is in Heaven at death, a Heaven is created for us. If our soul is in Hell at death, a Hell is created for us, in the Unseen World, which is as real as this World, but is ethereal instead of physical. The Unseen World exists in every location where the physical cosmos exists. For years Baha’u’llah used the title Baha’u’Din, the name of the founder of a popular Turkish Nashqabandi Sufi sect. Baha’u’llah wore a Dervish Turban of the Naqshbandi Sufi Sect from the time He lived among the Naqshbandis (1863-5) until his death in 1893.

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It is said that prohibition of teaching in Israel was ordered by Bahaullah. But there is no formal text in their regard. Moreover, the “Not allowed persons/districts” are not specified.

The Baha’is have no clear definition about the “holy land”. According to their leaders, or they have been silent in this regard that if their term of “holly land” means Haifa and Akka only, or it also includes Telaviv and Jerusalem too? And what is the textual reason for any positive/negative reply?

Altogether the Baha’is should not teach in Israel. They are not allowed to travel to and reside there without the permission of UHJ. It seems that the government of Israel is careless about this work; so the limitations laid and observed by UHJ has become a matter of question. It is clear that UHJ does not let the citizens of Israel to become Baha’i. Any Israeli willing to become a Baha’i should leave Israel.

On the other hand, the Baha’is should get permission from UHJ before their travel to Israel, even if it is a business trip. Even in such cases they are not allowed to visit the holy places in Akka.

If the Baha’is go to Israel, without the previous permission, they will encounter the risk of excommunication; as some Baha’is suffered such a medieval punishment during the time of Shoghi Effendi.

Another Answer

It is vital to know the Bahá’i leader’s histories and how they rise. For instance it is crucial to know that Shaykhi leaders had beliefs close to Islam, `Ali Muhammad Shirázi aka Báb had various claims, Bahá’u’lláh had to quarrel with his brother, Mirzá Yahyá Núri Subh-i-Azal before he took leadership and was exiled several times through his life, `Abdu’l-Bahá relation with foreign countries, and Shoghi Effendi’s leadership conflicts.

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