One Century Disgrace!

100th Anniversary of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá


28 November 2021 was 100th anniversary of the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
In this occasion an event held in Haifa gardens, the Universal House of Justice which is the center of the Baha’ism Organization.
Poster, brochure, picture, and the other writings of this organization were completely observable, there. But the presence of the famous people in the ceremony declared another meaning of the doctrines of the Baha’is to the whole world.
According to the Baha’i World News Service: “Einat Kalisch-Rotem, the mayor of Haifa, and other municipal officials, members of some faith communities, and other residents of the city honored the centenary at a historic building near ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s residence on Haparsim Street in a spirit of fellowship and unity reminiscent of the gatherings He Himself would hold with people of all backgrounds.” [1] These days a question has become really stronger: what is the relationship between Baha’is or their leaders and the Haifa political officials?? Isn’t one of their motto Baha’is non-interference in political matters of the countries?

The presence of Israel officials in Baha’i ceremonies is very strange because the propagation of Baha’ism is forbidden in Israel.

The telegraph sound of General Allenby the commander of British Army in Palestine during 1914-1918 answers this mystery. Just look at the Qarn-e Badi, the historical report of Shoghi Effendi [2]: “Palestine was seized today. Inform the world that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is alive.” It was transmitted from Haifa to London.
This telegraph remembers us one medal!!
Yes! Abbas Effendi was awarded a medal of “Knighthood” and the title of “Sir” by the British crown!
“The conferment of a knighthood upon Him, at a ceremony specially held for His sake in Haifa, at the residence of the British Governor, at which notables of various communities had assembled.” [3] Lady Bloomfield decrypts this sentence of Shoghi Effendi, prettily. “When the invader forces of Britain arrived in Palestine, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá welcomed them and the large food supplies that had prepared secretly beforehand, provided to them.” [4] Now, the finger of ambiguity of the critics still refers to the UHJ: Why was in “Exemplar” film  ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Service to Britain soldiers replaced with the phrase “service to the Akka people”?? Isn’t this historical censorship a big lie to the humanity? Should human imitate falsehood and lying in their life? Is this the necessity of human life, today? the Baha’i Organization should still obey the Baha’i leaders’ pattern in the case of the subservience of the colonial governs. So, it was predictable that the 100th anniversary of the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá should celebrate in the way as ear, eyes, and heart of a Baha’i person couldn’t understand the realities of Baha’ism.
Do still Baha’is insist to introduce itself as a religion? And Abbas ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is the exemplar of human peace and the discriminant of the Baha’i Faith prophet?
So sorry!! the 100th anniversary of the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at the end of the twenty-year plan of the Universal House of Justice, again proved the organization face of the Baha’ism in to the world.

[2]. Kitab-e Qarn-e Badi, vol.3, p.297, (Persian copy); God passes by, Part 3, p.173, (English copy)
[3]. Kitab-e Qarn-e Badi, vol.3, p.299, (Persian copy); God passes by, Part 3, p.171, (English copy)
[4]. Chosen highway, lady Bloomfield, p.32

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