An Introduction to Bahai


          The belief in revelation of a redeemer existed in different ages of history. The prophets were giving glad tidings about dissemination of monotheism and justice in all around the world. They were giving good news about the establishment of the world wide government by the just leader of humanity who will make a protection from sedition and injustices. Giving this good news about the future of the world was among the most important duties of the prophets.
And from the beginning, there was a kind of enmity and hostility to the holy belief of Mahdism. The prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his family) introduced Mahdi (a.s) as the one who will establish the global government and take the charge of the affairs of the world, the one who will perish sedition and fill the world with justice and equity.
He was stressing that the promised Mahdi will be among his descendants. He said: “Mahdi is twelfth Imam of Shia, he’s eleventh descendants of amir-al momenin Ali (a.s.) and ninth descendants of Hussein b.Ali (a.s.)”.
After this clear introduction, the enmity toward kindred of the prophet Mohammad especially Imam Mahdi (a.s.) became more obvious.
In this article we are not to explain the beginning of these enmities. We just try to point to the recent oppositions against Mahdism.
From about 160 years ago, the opposition against the promised Qa’em was manifested in the beliefs of a misled group called “Baha’i”. We’re going to explain the arising of this group.

In early parts of 13th century A.H., a man whose name was “Sheikh Ahmad” claimed that he is in contact with Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and later his claim prepared the condition for arising of a new sect called “Sheikhie”. After Sheikh Ahmad, “Siyyidd Kazim-i- Rashti” who was his successor extended this claim and disseminated it among the public. At that time Iran was at war with Russia and was defeated for several times and the bad conditions of the country made the public despair and afflicted so some people followed sheikh to find a protection from sedition. They claimed to communicate with Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and this caused feeling of hopefulness and expectancy in public so leaders of Sheikhie reap the benefits of this situation. Although they pretended to agree with Shia beliefs and believed in prophet of Islam as the seal of prophets and accepted Imam Mahdi as the promised Qa’em,(Sheikh Ahmad-i-Ahsaei, sharh-Al ziarat and Javame-Al kalem; Seyyed Kazim-i-Rashti, Al-Rasael) but they unintentionally. Prepared the conditions for coming of Babi dispensation which became the source of sedition in Iran later on.

  Babi dispensation
Seyyed Kazim didn’t appoint a successor for himself. The one who would be as the “fourth pillar of faith” or as an intermediate between public and Imam Mahdi (a.s.) so his death caused a division between his followers. Most of them followed “Mohammad Karim Khan Kermani” but there were some young followers who tried to find a new successor. One of them was “Mullah Hussein-i-Boshrui” who went to Shiraz to meet “Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi”. Mirza claimed to be the fourth pillar of faith and called himself Bab or gate of Qa’em.)1( he was trying to prove his claim by offering his commentary on Surih-I Joseph in which he obviously declared to compose it from “Mohammad b.Al-Hasan Al-Askari” and later on the manifested his claim as Bab or gate of Imam Mahdi by means of this book. Mulla Hussein believed Ali Mohammad and after this acceptance, 17 persons believed his book and followed him.
These 17 persons and Mullah Hussein who was called “Babul Bab” or the gate of the gate were called “letters of living” (2). letters of living together with Bab equal to 19 and that’s why 19 is a holy number among Babis and Baha’is. By the way, after this new claim, letters of living were dispersed in Iran.
They wanted to recall the followers of Sheikh and the public to the point that Bab or gate of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) has came and Imam Mahdi himself will appear in the near future.
Simultaneously, one of the followers of Bab whose name was “Mulla Sadeq-i-Khorasani” recited the Izan in Shiraz on Friday and said: “اشهد ان علیا قبل نبیل باب بقیه الله“, “I witness that Ali before Nabil –means Ali Mohammad_ is the gate of the remnant of God“.
1-Rahiq Makhtom (the choice wine), vol.1, p.22 or 34
This book was authored by “Abd-ul Hamid Eshraq-i-Khavari” who is one of the famous teachers and authors of Baha’is. Baha’i Publishing Trust ordered publication of this book. All of the documents of this article are based on the authentic books of Baha’i.
2-Bab imitated Seyyed Kazem-i-Rashti in his speech and tried to use letters of abjad as much as possible to make them more mysterious. According to rules of letters of abjad “hai” or living is equal to 18 in number. This obvious innovation prevailed disorder in Shiraz. It was clear that Bab is the agent of this innovation so they recalled him and Bab desisted from his claim when he was slapped in the face.
He confessed in front of the public:
Damn to the men who call me as the attorney of the Hidden Imam. Damn to the men who suppose me as the denier of Imamate of Amir-Al Momenin Ali (a.s.) and other Imams. Damn be to the men who called me as the Bab of Imam.” (1)
After this confession, he was in contact with his followers secretly. This contact was continued up to the time that Cholera was widespread in Shiraz so anarchy prevailed and Bab found a suitable situation to escape from Shiraz and go to Isfahan.

  A Mysterious Countenance
“Manouchehr Khan Motamed-Al Dole Gorji” was Armenian governor of Isfahan. He was irreligious and had a mysterious personality. He persuaded the chief Mulla for Friday prayers of Isfahan to send his brother to welcome Bab when he came to Isfahan. He supported Bab obviously and without stint and it caused the public to complain against him. The central government ordered Manouchehr Khan to send Bab to capital city under protection but surprisingly, he disobeyed and hid Bab in the Sun palace and concluded a marriage between Bab and a beautiful girl. Manouchehr Khan promised Bab: to authorize all of his wealth to him which was about 40 million frank, to depose Mirza Aqasi who was the minister of the king Mohammad and to persuade the king to follow him and to conclude a marriage between Bab and the king’s sister. Even he promised Bab to make all the kings of the world obey him.
He also vowed to declare a war against the king of Iran if he didn’t obey them. Manouchehr khan claimed that he is able to war against the king’s army for about two years.(2)
At that time Bab was enjoying the life but chance didn’t help him because when the governor of Isfahan died, his hidden residence in Sun palace became public and the successor of the governor had to send him to Tehran. In the midway to Tehran, they received an order from capital city to conduct Bab to Maku and imprison him in the castle over there.
1- Summary of Nabil history, p.137-141
2- Summary of ‘Nabil history’, p.190, 200. ‘Qarn-e badie’ or New Age by ‘Effendi, Shoghi” vol.1, p.110, 114. ‘History of appearance ‘ by ‘ Mazandarani, Fazel ‘ p.93, 105 from the third part.

Dispersion of sedition
At the same time, some of the followers of Bab with the leadership of a woman called “Zarin Taj”(Tahirih, Qurratu’l-Ayn or the solace of the eyes) murdered “Mulla Mohammad Taqi Qazvini” who was one of the opponents of Sheikh and Babi dispensation.
It’s important to mention that this great scholar was Zarintaj’s uncle.(1) So the first bloody sedition in Babie occurred. Mirza Ali Mohammad manifested his claim as Bab in 1260 up to 1264.(2) In 1264, a group of his followers gathered in Badasht which was a plain of a pleasant climate to make a decision about the future.
The main director of the meeting was one of the young followers of Bab called “Mirza Hussein Ali Noori Mazandarani”. The others who attended in this meeting were Zarintaj and Mohammad Ali Barforushi. They talked a lot and finally decided to proclaim the abrogation of Islam. They believed that the age of Islam is finished. Also, they entitled Qurratul-Ayn to Tahirih, Hussein Ali to Baha’u’llah (glory of God) and Barforushi to Qodus (holy sacred).
In addition, some shameful incidents occurred in Badasht which caused the director’s infamy among the public. This infamy was to the extent that ‘Mulla Hussein Boshroei’ as the first follower of Bab said: “if I was in Badasht, I would punish the directors of this infamy by my sword.(3) After this incident, Bab pretended a new claim as the Qa’em. He said:
اننی انا القائم الحق الذی انتم بظهوره توعدون” “I am the right Qa’em whom you’re promised to his appearance.(4)
And some time later Bab step beyond his limit again and claimed the Prophency. He brought a new religion and a new book which he called it Bayan (means exposition).(5) And near the end of his life he claimed the divinity in his “tablet of Heikal-Al Din.”(6)
1- “Kashf-ul gheta” p.106, 107. “tarikh-e zohur-al haq” (History of appearance of truth), p.324, 389. “Al -kavakeb Al-dorie” (the shining stars), vol.1, p.120. This book was authored by Abdul Hussein surnamed to Avare who is among the famous Baha’i teachers and authors and authored this book by Abbas Effendi’s order. Later, he gave up Baha’is and converted to Islam and wrote “Kashf Al-hial” (or unfolding the deceits) against them.
2- “‘Rahiq makhtom” (or the choice wine), vol.1, p.581-585
3-” Tarikh-e zohur-al haq” (History of appearance of truth), p.110
4- foot-article of-” Tarikh-e zohur-al haq” (History of appearance of truth), p.173. The seventh part of ” Maede Asemani” (the food of sky) by ‘Khavari, Eshraq’ p.231, 232.
5- The Arabic Bayan and the Persian Bayan are Bab’s religious books.
6-“Tablet of Heikal Al-din”ان علیا قبل نبیل ذات الله و کینونیته

  Repentance; the eternal shame
After the incidents of Badasht, and during the succession of Naser-al Din Mirza, Bab was recalled from Chehriq. He came to Tabriz and a meeting was organized in which the successor, some advisors and some clerics who were among the followers of Sheikh attended. In this meeting Bab repented of his claims but they didn’t issue the order of his killing because they supposed Bab as a mad man.(1) But during the succession of Amirkabir, some civil wars occurred which was intrigued by Bab and his followers. This time Amir kabir issued the order of his killing so Bab was tried in court and executed in Shaban, 1266 A.H.(2)
Bab’s repentance is very noticeable but Baha’is try to deny it and pretend that it as a big lie but the interpretation of that meeting and the complete text of his repentance is available in “Kashf-al gheta an hial-al ada” (or unfolding the deceits of enemies) which was authored by “Golpayegani, Mirza Abu-al fazl” who is one of the greatest Baha’i teachers. Abdul-Baha ordered him to write this book and after the writer’s death Abdul-Baha’s nephew and some of the Baha’i scholars completed it. So this repentance is a shame that cannot be disappeared from history.

  An ominious end
After Bab’s execution, the Russian consul went there and shed tears falsely for him and the next day he came back again while a skillful drawer accompanied him and portrayed Bab. Then “Ahmad Milani” who was one of the young followers of Bab and was supported by Russia, hid the dead body in his silk-wearing factory.(3) Muslims believe all of these incidents show that Russia had a hand in arising of this national sedition in Iran.
1-“Kashf-Al gheta an hial-al ada” or Unfolding the enemy’s deceits by “Golpayegani, Abu-al fazl”, p.203, 204. “Al-kavakeb Al-dorrieh” or the shining stars, p.241. The reason of his madness is available in this book.
2- “Qarn-e badie” or The new age by “Effendi, Shoghi”, vol.1, p.256
3-“Al-kavakeb Al-dorrieh”, vol.1, p.233, 248,249

 Mirza Ali Muhammad (surnamed Bab)
Mirza Ali Muhammad who was called Bab was born in 1233 A.H. His father was Mirza Reza and he was a cloth-seller. He died when Ali Mohammad was a child so his mother, Fateme Beigom, under the supervision of his uncle took care of him.
He went to old fashioned primary school when he was five years old. His teacher was among the followers of Sheikh Ahmad and taught him the preliminary lessons. As Ali Muhammad confessed later he was beat in school several times and when he revealed some verses for the first time, he asked his teacher not to beat him more than five lashes.(1) 
Bab went to Bushehr when he was young and engaged in commerce over there. He was undertaking mortification in the hot climate of Bushehr. He was standing across the sun and staring at it from early in morning to evening. This was to the extent that people supposed he is worshiping sun.(2) After a time, he went to Karbala and lived there for a short time. He became one of the followers of Siyyid Kazim-i-Rashti over there.(3)

Mirza Hussein Ali Noori Mazandarani (called Bahaullah)
After Bab’s death, and according to his testament, Mirza Yahya who was called Sobh-e azal was introduced as his successor. He was 19 years old and he was an inexperienced and timid young man who couldn’t cope with Baha’i affairs and practically his older brother took charge of Baha’i affairs. His name was Hussein Ali and as you remember he was among the main directors of Badasht incidents.
Hussein Ali was born in Tehran in the second day of Muharram in 1233 A.H. His father was Mirza Abbas and he was one of the secretors of King Mohammad Qajar. Education was very significant for his father. He employed some private teachers for training of his children and Hussein Ali learned preliminary sciences and techniques from his father and his teachers so he had no need to go to school. But later he claimed that he’s uneducated in spite of the fact that he had many tutor teachers. (4) This claim was pretended by Bab for the first time.
When Bab died, Amir kabir who was really a liberal and clever man, found out the danger of Babi dispensation and supposed Hussein Ali as the main director of recent seditious circumstances so he proclaimed that Hussein Ali inflicted loss in the country’s treasury and should pay 250 million tomans to the court (it’s 25 million rials which was equal to half of the war indemnity between Iran and Russia).(5) Later on, he issued the order of his exile. He was exiled to Iraq which was among the ottoman’s colonial possessions. But unfortunately when Amir kabir was discharged from chancellorship, he returned to Iran again and immediately with the help of his followers, tried to assassinate King Nasser-Al din but their plan didn’t come to conclusion. After the unending terror, all the agents were arrested and was killed except Baha’u’llah who asked for asylum in Russian’s embassy.

1- The Arabic Bayan by Bab, p.25
2-Summary of Nabil History, p.66
3-“Asrar-al asar” by “Mazandarani, Fazel”, vol.1, p.35
4-“Asrar-al asar”, vol.1, p.191
5-“Qarne badie” or The new age, vol.1, p.315, vol.2, p.32

The trust of Russian government
Russian government was supporting Bab surprisingly and also they supported Baha’u’llah much more obviously after him.
For example, after the incomplete terror of the king, he ordered to arrest Baha’u’llah but he asked asylum in Russian embassy and the ambassador called him the trust of Russian government. he was sending a message to king and asked him not to bother Baha’u’llah and even he threatened the king and said if something happen to him, the king himself would be responsible for it.(1)
Because of these generous supporting, the king was compelled just to exile Baha’u’llah. It should be mention that when Baha’u’llah was expelled from Iran; some people from Russian embassy came to accompany this great trust! And Because of these supererogatory services, Baha’u’llah also revealed a Tablet in the honor of Russian emperor; the second Alexander Niklovach. He also granted certain privileges to Russian ambassador because of his generous assistance in Iran. These privileges was to the extent that nobody except God could be thoroughly acquainted with it.(2) It should be mention that British government also sympathized with Baha’u’llah at a period of time. The Britain consul in Baghdad suggested the citizenship of Britannia to Baha’u’llah.
When Sir Arnold Baruz Kembal found the honor of visiting Baha’u’llah, he promised to send his letters to England court whenever he want to make a correspondence with Queen Victoria. He also promised to change the residence of “Heikal-e Aqdas” or the holy temple to India or wherever he desire.(3)
1-“Qarne badie” or The new age, vol.1, p.315, vol.2, p.321-“Qarne badie” or The new age, vol.1, p.318, 319 and vol.2, p.33,34 and Summary of Nabil History, p.647,648
2-“Qarne badie” or the new age, vol2, p.86, 87.
3- Qarne badie” or the new age, vol2, p.134

The beginning of division
In the throes of the incomplete assassination of king Naser-L Din, Mirza Yahya (Azal) went to Iraq in disguise and then followers of Bab gathered over there. They had very obscene behaviors in holy shrines. They were robbing the pilgrim’s shoes, clothes and dishes. They were killing their opponents and plundering their properties and also they were celebrating in the tenth day of Muharram or Ashura which is a ceremonial day of mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.) among Muslims.(1)
Mirza Yahya was an inexperienced youngster and practically Hussein Ali was leader of Baha’is but some of Babi scholars were dissatisfied in his leadership so they notified Mirza Yahya and this created discord between the two brothers. After that, Hussein Ali went to Solomon Mountains in disguised. He called himself Dervish Mohammad over there. He learned mysticism and alchemy from the dervishes of naghshbandie (a sect among dervishes). After a time, he requested several times and finally returned to his previous position among Baha’is.(2)
As it was mentioned earlier, followers of Bab had obscene behavior and they were exiled to Istanbul in 1280A.H. by the order of ottoman government.
According to Baha’is, at the beginning of this journey, Hussein Ali manifested his claim and called himself as “the one who is appeared by God”; the Promised One which his appearance was predicted by Bab. Bab had emphasized that the promised will appear 1511 years later.(3) But immediately after his death, Mirza Hussein Ali and 25 other person paraphrased his speech and called themselves as the promised one. Hussein Ali began to rumor about his prophecy in Baghdad in the spring, 1280 A.H. and he manifested his claim obviously in Istanbul.
Four month later, followers of Bab were recalled from the capital of ottoman to Adriano and from that time, a division was created between them.
A group of followers of Bab believed Sobh-e Azal as the Bab’s successor so they were called Azali. The other group believed in Mirza Hussein Ali as his successor so they were called Baha’i.
1-Qarne badie” or the new age, vol2. p.122 (1th and 2th edition).vol.1, p.328
2-Qarne badie” or the new age, vol2. p.112 (1th and 2th edition). And “kitab-i-Iqan” or Book of certitude by Baha-u-llah, p.95
3-The Persian Bayan, p.61, 71, 100

And others were called Dayani, Qurrat-ul eini, Qodusi and Bayani; the one who accepted the holy book of Bayan as the source of their religion.(1) The division between followers and the beginning of betrays. The mentioned arguments between followers of Bab damaged their dispensation. The most influential discord was created between Baha and Sobh-e Azal.
Azal claimed that according to Bab’s testament he himself is the successor and leader of Babis. He believed that his brother tries to take his position falsely. At the other hand, Hussein Ali was giving no credence to Bab’s testament and believed that Azal has no position.
After this division between the two brothers, they began to insult and curse each other and it was to the extent that Azal was called donkey and bull by Baha’is and Hussein Ali talked about his brother illegitimacy.(2)
He called Azal as a voracious, winebibber and womanizer man. He said: “certainly, Azal was always engaged in eating, drinking wine and deflowering the maidens. I’m really ashamed to talk about his obscene deeds.(3)
Followers of Azal also did the same about Baha. Baha’s sister who was among the followers of Azal betrayed that during the leadership of Azal, Bahaullah offered his wife and even his daughter to Azal in order to attract his attention.(4) She believed that Baha is unfit to remedy the pains of mankind because first of all he should remedy his hand shaking and his rapture!(5) As you see, by this way the secrets of Bab’s family and his followers were made public.
1-“Rahiq-e makhtom” (the choice wine), p.1149
2-” ma’ede asemani” (the food of sky), the first part, p.40
3- “kitab-i- badi” (the wondrous book), p.312. The crime which is worse than deflowering the maidens and Hussein ali is ashamed to talk about it, is pederasty which was stipulated in holy book or Aqdas.
4- “tanbih-ul naemin” (the punishment of penitents), p.19, 65
5-“tanbih-ul naemin” (the punishment of penitents), p.19, 65

  The end of Hussein Ali’s life
When the discord was created seriously between the two brothers and their followers, the government of ottoman separated them from each other. They sent Azal and his followers to Magusti in Cyprus and Baha and his followers to Akka castle in Palestine. Azal died in Cyprus and after him, Mirza Hadi Doulatabadi and his brother became the leader of Azalis. Mirza Hussein Ali (Bahaullah) also died in Akka in 1309 A.H.
As it was mentioned he had many different claims such as:
1.Prophecy and the one who is appeared by god. Although it is in contrary with his claim as the dying ant. (1)
2.Although he pretended to believe in prophet Mohammad(PBUH) as the last prophet (2)

3.but he sometimes step beyond divinity and called himself as The Lord of Gods.(3)
1-” Asar-e qalam-e aala” (the exalted writings of Bab), vol.4, p.364
2- “Ishra’qa’t” (splendors), p.293
3- “Makatib-e Abd-ul Baha” (The writing of Abd-ul Baha), vol.2, p.255

  Abbas Effendi (surnamed Abdul-Baha)
Abbas was Bahaullah’s son from his first wife. She was called “Navabe”. Abbas also was called Master and Baha’s son (or Ebn-ul Baha) later. Muhammad Ali Effendi was his brother. But his mother was Baha’s second wife. She was called “The cradle of greats” or Mahd-e olya.
According to Book of covenant which was Baha’s testament, Abbas and after him Mohammad Ali should be introduced as his successors and leader of Baha’is. But after his death, the brothers separated from each other just like the division between Bahaullah and Azal.
This division between the brothers was to the extent that Abbas called Mohammad Ali and his followers “Naqez-e Akbar” or the great breakers and called himself and his disciplines “Sabetin” who are reserving on blessed revelation. Mohammad Ali also called Abbas “the chief of polytheists” and “devil”.(4) Their enmity was intensified to the extent that Abbas called his brother “mosquito, beetle, earth worm, bat, owl, crow, fox, wolf,” and introduced himself as “nightingale and peacock”(5) and Mohammad Ali also called him “calf and donkey”(6) and called himself “the lion of God” or Ghazanfarullah. Then Abbas proclaimed that many of the Baha’s Tablets and writs have been stolen by the covenant breakers. They have changed the contents and also they have robbed the form of the ninth unit prayer in addition to the complementary percepts of the holy book (Aqdas).
It should be mention this special form of prayer has been lost up to now and nobody knows about its form. (1) Abbas believed that they have made the law imperfect. (2) At this point, we’re really surprised about the false prediction of Bahaullah especially when he says:
We should be fair about the one who is not able to educate his wife and his children. How this man would be capable of educating other people around the world? Do you really have any doubt about this fact? No by God.“(3)
4-” the Bleesed writing of Shoghi Effendi (called Tablet of century), vol.1, p.103 and “rahiq-e makhtom” (the choice wine), p.87
5- “The writings of Abd-ul Baha”, vol.1, p. 442,443 and vol.2, p.234 and “will and testament”, Egyptian edition, p.9 and “The Blessed writing”, vol.1, p.132
6- “The writings of Abd-ul Baha”, vol.1, p.271 and “rahiq-e makhtom”, p.581
1-it shows that Mirza Hussein Ali never prayed in this way so Abbas and other followers didn’t know anything about it and they need the writing of Muhammad Ali.
2-“rahiq-e makhtom” (the choice wine), p.25-28 and p.174, 175 and “ganjine hodud va ahkam” (the treasury of religious percepts), p.32
3- “makatib” (the writing of Baha’u’llah), vol.2, p.182

  The xenophile
Abbas Effendi was smarter than his father. He called himself “Abdul-Baha” or the servant of Baha and “Raqiq-ul Baha” or Diluted Baha! So in this case nobody would ask him any proof for his claims. Against his father, he was not bound with a special benefactor or government. He obeyed the governments which had been beneficial to him. Firstly, he imitated his father and went after the goals of Baha’i dispensation under the protection of Russian emperor. Russia supported them to the extent that they could establish the first temple of Baha’is in Eshqabad. This was called “mashreq-ul azkar” or the House of worship. (4)
Their obedience to Russian government was to the extent that Abu-al Fazl Golpayegani who was the fifth authority among Baha’is ordered them as follows: “All of us should pray for the endurance of emperor’s life. We should pray for third Alexander to be more glorious and more magnificent. This is the thing that was emphasized in the exalted Tablets which has been sent from the holy land .The summary of the contents is as follows: this oppressed group (Baha’is) should never forget the justice and protection of the Russian government. They should pray permanently for the success of the great emperor and the general”.(5)
Simultaneously, Baha’is tried to attract the attention of the government of ottoman, so they began to pray for the endurance of their king.(6) But when ottomans found out that Abbas Effendi spies for the England government, they decided to execute him but the England protected him again.(7)
And even when they occupy Palestine, English government gave Abbas the great title of “knighthood” and called him “sir”. (8) Abbas also began to pray for the great king of England because of these honors. He said:
“O’ Lord, the royal court of justice is established in this land. I really thank you because of that.
O’ Lord, succeed the great emperor of England; The fifth George in divine Grace and endure his life to be the governor of this holy land “. (He means Palestine which was one of the colonies of England). (9)
At this time the colonizer government of France also found out about the power of Baha’is in making division between people in countries and they knew that these discords will cause the supremacy of strangers in that country. So they requested Abbas Effendi to pay more attention to their colonies like Algeria and he did so. (10)
Near the end of his life, Abbas had a journey to Europe and America under the financial support of his disciplines. He learned many new things over there and later he inspired from these new ideas and manifested the twelve Baha’i principles.
He died in 1340 A.H. and was buried in Haifa beside the temple of Bab. In his funeral procession, some representatives from England were present. (11) He didn’t have any son and he wrote the “will and testament” about the leadership of Baha’is after his death and he established the dynasty of vilayat or guardianship of the cause. He emphasized in tablets that the guardians of The cause would come one after another and they should appoint the next successor who would be the permanent chairman of the House of justice up to end of his life. (12) According to these tablets, the first guardian of the cause is “Shoghi Effendi” who is Abdul-Baha’s grandson and after him his male children would be guardians of Baha’is. (13)
4- according to “al-kavakeb al_dorrieh” vol.2, p. 95 these temples was changed to museum by communists. “Qarn-e badi’ “, vol.3
5- “masabih-e hedayat” (the bellows of guidance) by “Soleimani, Aziz-ullah”, vol.2, p.282. Edited from the published committee of the Cause
6- “Makatib” (the writing of Baha’u’llah), vol.2, p.312
7- “Qarn-e badi” (the new age), vol.3, p.297

8- “Qarne badi” (the new age), vol.3, p.299
9- ” Makatib” (the writing of Bahaullah), vol.3, p.347
10- ” Maede asemani” (food of sky), the ninth part, p.47,48
11- “Qarn-e badi”, vol.3, p.321-323
12- A consultative in which 9 people are selected in 3 level and they are responsible for lawmaking in Baha’i.
13- “Will and testament”, Egyptian edition, p.11-16 and “a brief look at Baha’i dispensation”, p.66-68.

Shoghi Effendi
Shoghi is the grandson of Abbas Effendi. His father was Mirza Hadi afnan. When his grandfather was alive, He was studying in the American university of Beirut and Oxford University in London.
After death of Abdul-Baha, he was introduced as the chairman under the protection of his mother. But some Baha’is didn’t accept him and another division was created between Baha’is. After that, some of the great Baha’i teachers such as Abdul Hussein Ayati (surenamed as Avare), Fazl-ul lah Sobhi (writer of Abdul-Baha), Mirza Hasan Niko and some other desisted from Bahai religion and returned to Islam and when Shoghi slandered them, they wrote some books such as “Kashf-ul hial” or Unfolding the deceits, “Sobhi’s memory” and ” the good philosophy” and betrayed the repelling precedence of Shoghi in childhood and youth.
Shoghi imitated European during his leadership and established the national and local assemblies and registered them as religion assemblies or as commercial companies in some countries. (1) Baha’is could stay just because of these partial and official administrations.
Shoghi issued a rule that had no precedence up to that time. He ordained that the people of Baha who do something against the desire of the guardian of the cause should be expelled from administration firstly (official rejection) and then from the Baha’i community (spiritual rejection). This rule was in contrary with Abdul-Baha’s claim. Abdul-Baha had claimed:
“We should not say which people are among the followers of Moses or Jesus or Mohammad or Buddha because it’s none of our concern. God created all of us and it’s our duty to be kind to all people, although our beliefs are important but they’re due to God and he will punish or retribute people in the Day of Judgment. He never asks us to be municipal about these things! “(2)
During Shoghi’s life, the Zionism government of Israel was established under the full support of Baha’is. In fact, they helped to establish a strange government at the heart of Islamic community so they were officially recognized in Israel. Their properties had been protected and they had been exempted from tax. (3)
Shoghi died in London in 1336 and was buried over there and against the prediction of Abbas Effendi; he was barren and had no children. He didn’t appoint a successor and this caused a big struggle between Baha’is.

  The division in Baha’i dispensation
Six years after Shoghi’s death, Baha’is organized a conference in London in which the leaders of Baha’is in different countries gathered over there and they selected nine people as the members of house of justice. Then they established the promised House of justice in Haifa.
1-“Qarn-e badi” (the new age), vol.4, p.66-68
2-” khatabat” (the speech), vol.2, p.284
3- “toughiat-e mobarake” (or the blessed writing), vol.3, p.165
In fact, they didn’t pay attention to Abdul-Baha’s testament about the guardianship of the Cause.
At the other hand, some Baha’is also gave no credence to house of justice in Haifa. They believed that according to Abdul-Baha’s testament the guardian of the Cause should be the chairman or member of House of justice otherwise the house of justice had no authority to govern Baha’is.
The leader of the mentioned group was “Meison Rimi” so they were called “Rimi”. He was among the important people which were selected by Shoghi. At the same time, a Baha’i youngster from Khorasan manifested his claim in Indonesia as the promised man in holy book of Aqdas. His name was Jamshid and he was surnamed to Sama’u’llah (sky of God).
He has also the same documents as others to prove his claim. Now, the Samais and Rimis are living in different countries such as India, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia and America.

  The conclusion
We have found out that about 160 years ago, a youngster in Shiraz manifested his claim as the Bab( gate) or the deputy of the twelfth Imam of Shia (a.s.) and after four years, he supposed himself as the promised Qa’em from the prophet Mohammad’s descendants. A few time later, he claimed that he is the prophet of God and then he called himself as “the eternal being of God” and at last, after beating by 11 lashes, he desisted from all of his claims and repented and finally was executed by the order of Amir Kabir because of the civil wars and seditions which was excited by his followers under his protection.
After the mentioned sedition which was excited by Bab, another was excited by Mirza Hussein Ali Noori Mazandarani who supposed himself as the promised man in Bab’s writing and then some people became his followers and he could organized Baha’i group.
Although Baha’is are dispersed in all around the world and teach their religion everywhere and even try to register their group as a company or assembly in some countries and find the official recognition, they suppose Iran as “The cradle of the Cause” and it’s among their wishes to be recognized officially in Iran. But fortunately Iranian hate Baha’is and their mysterious administration because of these two reasons:
The belief in Mahdism, is noticeably important for Shias, For Muslims and for many people in all around the world but unfortunately this holy belief was debased because of the deceitful claim of Bab and his successors. Shia people are waiting for the appearance of their twelfth Imam whom was promised to come and fill the world with justice and equity as it has been filled with sedition and tyranny. They know that Bab was a treacherous man who claimed falsely and supposed himself as the deputy of this promised Imam. So some unconscious Muslims were deceived by his claims .later on, some of his ignorant followers created three big civil wars in Iran in order to make the friendship of Imam Mahdi and preparing the way for his appearance. So they really damaged Iranian and excited a great sedition in Iran.
The belief in Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) as the last prophet is among the important basis in Islam but this holy belief was also damaged by Bab. although Bab and his followers emphasized this belief in their writings but they proclaimed the abrogation of Islam and contradict the mentioned belief so Muslims are really angry for this contradiction and hate Baha’is. They are aware about the terrible political and social precedence of Baha’is. Muslims believe that Baha’i administration is working under protection and support of strangers.
If you research historically about their writings, certainly you will find them full of lies and contradicts. Unfortunately, people of Baha are attached to their religion, they overlook the facts and they don’t research about their leaders. If they did so, they would find their religion full of contradiction. The contents of the following website is based on the original Baha’i documents: This website is created to put off the dangers of Baha’is which will cause a great mental insecurity in people.


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