Baha’is One World Government


            The Baha’i Faith envisions a one-world government, complete with a universal language, worldwide currency, and a unified religion.
The problem with this is that prophecy foretells two consecutive world governments. The second one will be ruled by Jesus. But the first one will be ruled by Satan, and its consequence will be, for a time, a hell-on earth torment.
However, at first it will not seem that way. At first, it will seem that a utopian society has been established. Peace will reign, prosperity will abound, and all the major problems that beset the world today will seem to have been resolved.
Only a very few will warn that this is a disguise, an outwardly mighty oak, but full of inner rot. After a brief period, that inner rot will cause the entire house of cards to collapse. And then the wrath of Satan will descend on all the world.
The trap into which Baha’is are falling is a deadly one. The trend toward a world government is already very clear, and many Baha’is see this trend as a fulfillment of their religious beliefs. They celebrate the coming to fruition of all the foretelling and guidance of their prophet. Worse yet, Baha’is may be instrumental in bringing about this one- world government. Even though Baha’is are supposed to remain aloof from secular politics, they are not. They are actively promoting, under various guises, the authority of the United Nations, which itself has no real authority to command any nation, but is only a gathering place where nations can sort out problems among themselves.
In this way, Baha’is are themselves becoming part of the problem.
In the United States, government is not predicated on the divine right to rule, which underlay the tradition of European monarchies. The US model is that the rulers are the people.
The Euro model is that if the people obey the government, the king will take care of the needs of the people. The American model is that if the government obeys the people, the people will take care of their own needs, and will restrain the government to the confines of its limited and enumerated duties.
Sadly, the Euro model has infiltrated North America, and has savagely undermined the practice of the Constitution, until legislators feel free to pass into law, bills which they have not so much as even read.
So yes, the socialist model is in full ascendancy, and will eventually place everyone under its heel. For a time, this will seem to have been the best course— at least according to people who trade freedom for free things.
But eventually, the velvet glove will come off, and the iron fist will prevail until Jesus Himself defeats it.

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