Leaders-Israel and Baha’i Organization


Britain in an open support for Abbas Effendi, commissioned the then Foreign Minister Lord Balfour to send a cable to the commander of the British corps in Palestine General Lord Allenby, stressing protection for Master ʻAbdu’l-Bahá (Abbas Effendi), his family and his friends.


The possible arrest and execution of Abbas Effendi was reported to Lord Cruisen by Jamal Pasha but General Allenby in a pre-emptive action, seized Haifa and cabled to London:

“Palestine was seized today. Inform the world that ʻAbdu’l-Bahá is alive.”

ʻAbdu’l-Bahá was receiving the medal of Knighthood.

In gratitude for receiving the title of ‘Sir’, Abbas Effendi prayed for the grandeur of the British King, George V, and the continuation of his rule in Palestine.

Today, the Israel government is beholden to Abbas Effendi and, as a result, ʻAbdu’l-Bahá has become an accomplice in carnage of Palestinian people by Israel.



Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy), vol. 3, page 297




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