Question – Does Baha’i teachings say that Jesus never arose from the dead, but His body is still buried somewhere in Jerusalem?



Does Baha’i teachings say that Jesus never arose from the dead, but His body is still buried somewhere in Jerusalem?

First Answer

Baha’u’llah said that Jesus had the “Power of the Great Ether”

Baha’u’llah said that Jesus had the “Power of the Great Ether” and this is why He arose from the dead. Abdu’l-Baha’s explanations of the Resurrection of Christ in “Some Answered Questions” were TA’WIL (esoteric explanations of literal events). He said that the disciples “saw Christ living” after His death. He did not arise in a physical body, but in His ethereal form which Abdu’l-Baha called the “Reality of Christ”.

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