Question – The death of Jesus on the Cross was just a martyrdom, nothing more. The Bab suffered more, because he was tortured before death. Baha’u’llah suffered more, because he was put in the Black Pit for four months. Is this true?



The death of Jesus on the Cross was just a martyrdom, nothing more. The Bab suffered more, because he was tortured before death. Baha’u’llah suffered more, because he was put in the Black Pit for four months. Is this true?

First Answer

There is nothing in the Writings nor the pilgrim’s notes confirming this

There is nothing in the Writings nor the pilgrim’s notes confirming this! Shoghi Effendi recognizes only four “atonements”:
*Ishmael (offered as a test upon Abraham)
*Jesus (died so that the sins “of all mankind” be forgiven)
*Imam Husayn (blood atoned for collective sins of Shia Muslim community)
*Mirza Mihdi (died for the sins of the Baha’is against Baha’u’llah…allowing them to re-enter His presence)
The ONLY Manifestation of God in that list is Jesus Christ. His death was a “universal atonement” as it has an effect “on all created things”.

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