The Baha’is Propaganda under the Cover of Socio-Economic Activities

Do not let anyone decide for us!



One of the problems of the authorities and people in the third world countries, especially in the Muslim communities, is the religious propaganda of the local and pioneer Baha’is in order to change the religion of the children, junior youth, and youth people, and convert them to the Baha’i Faith.


Indirect propaganda; is a big lie by attractive cover

The Baha’is propaganda under the cover of socio-economic development activities is described in the Baha’i literature as the “Indirect Teaching,” that provides social-humanitarian services to the needy people, as means to attract their positive attentions, and then supply special Baha’i propaganda to them.

The Baha’i teachers use the social-economic development activities. This is not an honorable policy and practice, according to the legal and moral norms. It seems that the Universal House of Justice is also aware of this.

Yet it encourages the Baha’is and their administrative teaching committees to follow the same aggressive propaganda for the Children and juniors.


The suggestions of indirect propaganda in the Baha’i leaders’ statement and organization

Providing general health care, initial educations and job skills, and

teaching Esperento language have been useful approaches to propagate the Baha’i cause to frequent people all over the world.

(Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, letter dated May 18, 1937)

Also, in new promotional books of the Baha’is that presented in Ruhi classes definitely insisited on using indirect method of propagation to attract the followers (mostly the uninformed children and teenagers). In 2008 Rezvan Message of Universal House of Justice, after praising the active Baha’is in propagation said:

“Through their constancy in teaching, they have increased their ability to determine whether the receptivity of their listener requires them to be wary or bold, to act swiftly or to mark time, to be direct or indirect in the methods they employ.”

The tone of the statement and literature of Universal House of Justice clarify that is aware of immoral and illegal propaganda methods have been used by its missionaries. So, it ordered to them about caution and secrecy. These orders are methods that a hunter usually used to spread his trap and attack slowly and boldly.

After 30 December 2021 message and introducing the road map of nine future years, the Baha’i community is trying to manage its social presence around this subject. The personal and massive cooperation of the Baha’is is done under the order of UHJ in real and virtual social spaces. Also, the strategies of these activities are consulted through determined working Baha’i groups. The members of groups should share self-promotional experiences under social covers to the other Baha’is.

The existence of these detailed program with specific implementation steps and timelines, again prove that the Baha’is is an organization and not a religion.



A non-Muslim western university professor as an expert in religious sociology, and familiar with Baha’i structures, has written a confirmation of the fraudulent missionary activity of Baha’is in third world countries.

Unfortunately, these activities are also followed in Iran. Cultural genocide, evolution of local and aboriginal life style and collapsing of family are the most important threats of promoting the Baha’is systematic activities in the region.

Therefore, national and cultural identity of each country needs a timely strategy and planning by officials and legislators. It should be done with the approval of the appropriate laws to restrain and forbid propaganda and organizational activities of this cult.

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