A new book about Bahaullah’s Family published


          Mirza Hussein Ali Baha’ullah the grand leader of Baha’i Faith married with 3 wives and remained so many children, grandson,granddaughter and nephews. After he passed away his family divided for the reason of the Faith’s Leadership especially between Abbas and Mohammad Ali. Abbas (Abdul-Baha) excommunicated a large number of Baha’ullah’s Family. For many years those members of that family were unknown.  Are there Members of Baha’u’llah’s Family Alive today ?

  Publisher’s introduction:

      It is Strange to see that a Baha’i doesn’t have knowledge about the family members of Baha’ullah!

           Universal House of Justice, the Supreme body of Baha’i Administration have been fooling the unaware Baha’i’s that no members of Baha’ullah,s family is alive today. Baha’i’s who are taught ‘independent investigation of truth’ as one of the most important Baha’i Principle are denied investigation in such an Important matter. Whenever any Baha’i’s try to investigate the matter, he is immediately declared as ‘Covenant Breaker’.

           Eric Stetson and the grandson of Baha’ullah – Shua Ullah Behai has exposed the lies of Universal House of Justice in their celebrated book – The lost history of Baha`i Faith.

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