The Baha’i Shenasy (research) Quarterly No. 26 was published in the Summer of 2023


The Baha’i Shenasy (research) Quarterly No. 26 was published in the Summer of 2023
In this quarterly we read:

1- Editorial:

-Mahdavi Ashura

2-On the news line:

-When “our story is one campaign” failed: a look at the BBC’s efforts after a failed campaign

3-A paper of history:

-Renowned preacher and watchful religious border guard: Introduction of the book “A man from the lineage of knowledge and faith”

– A written interview with Dr. Fathullahpour about the book “Battle of Zanjan

4- The Baha’i Organization and Critics:

-Baha’is from the point of view of Christian intellectuals and critics, part five: Adrian John Worsfold


– Mirza Hossein Ali Nouri, from “Bahá” to “Bahá’u’lláh”

– Is the Baha’i religion divine? Examining the claims of the Godhead of the Bab and Baha’u’llah

– Aasoo Media; from intellectual campaign to political action

(A file about institutions inspired by Baha’i teachings) Part 1: A discussion about Aasoo supports

– Contradictions in the Baha’i Faith

– A review on the article: “An overview of the Iranian Baha’i society in the 18th. century” written by Iqan Shahidi








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