Physics according to Abdul Baha


“The animal cannot become aware of the fact that the earth is revolving and the sun stationary. Only processes of reasoning can come to this conclusion. The outward eye sees the sun as revolving. It mistakes the stars and the planets as moving about the earth. But reason decides their orbit, knows that the earth is moving and the other worlds fixed, knows that the sun is the solar center and ever occupies the same place, and proves that it is the earth which revolves around it. Such conclusions are entirely intellectual, not according to the senses.” (Abdu’l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 416)

“The sun stationary”. Sun is not stationary.

It is funny that he said “animal cannot become aware of the fact that the earth is revolving and the sun stationary” and he (as a “human”) was wrong and thought that Sun was stationary!

So Abdul-Baha believed that Sun is fixed and Stationary, and other planets orbits this sun.

If you show this quote to a Baha’i, because they don’t want to say Abdul-Baha was wrong, they would say: “We have to look at the spiritual meaning of that quote and what Abdul-Baha is referring to is NOT the physical sun but the spiritual sun (which usually is God!!!)

BUT this notion is completely wrong!! Because

1. No where in this quote we see the word “Spiritual”. So we can conclude that he was talking about physical reality and not the “spiritual reality” (If there is such a thing)

2. He talks about earth, planets, and other worlds, so we can be 100% sure that he was referring to the physical sun!

3. If he was talking about the “spiritual worlds”, then why did he not say it directly? That way people could understand him better!!!


Also, “the sun is the solar center and ever occupies the same place”. Really? The sun is going to be there forever?! What if a black-hole consumes it?

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