The Ties between Baha’ism and the Pahlavi Regime


           Connection and interaction of Baha’ism with arrogant powers since its very genesis is among the important and exemplary chapters of the history of this sect whose news has been published by non-Baha’i sources while its evidence and effects can also be seen and observed amidst the pages of texts and sources of the sect.
In addition to cooperation and connection with colonialists supporting and accompanying the dictatorships have been among the principles of this sect.
Baha’ism was involved in the “British” coup of February 1921 which resulted in the establishment of the “corrupt and dependent” Pahlavi regime and its historical documents show that the Baha’ist circle of Iran discovered Reza khan by its marked element Habibollah Einolmolk (writer of the works and overseer of Abbas Effendi in his young age and father of Abbas Hoveida the notorious prime minister of the Pahlavi regime) and introduced him to the chief spy of the British colonialists in Iran (sir Ardeshir Reporter or Ardeshir) to implement the 1921 coup.
The tie between Baha’ism and the Pahlavi regime reached its peak after the coup of 19 August 1953 and the Baha’ist mounted to the highest political, economic, cultural and military positions in the last two decades of the rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
Presence of the leaders of this misled sect in the important political, military and economic positions also prepared the ground for expansion of its propagation activities against the Shiites in the cradle of Shiites (Iran) from which they took the highest benefit.
SAVAK report about General Shafeghat, the Baha’i Chief of the Army Staff during the last days of the rule of the ties and cooperation of Baha’ism with the Pahlavi regime against Islam and Shiite theologians. It is noteworthy that ties to colonialists still continue in the forms of official support of the white House and the Occupier Regime of Palestine for them and the apparent cooperation against the Islamic republic of Iran.
Therefore expulsion of the leaders and activists of the misled sect and termination of their mysterious organization in Iran after the triumph of the Iranian Islamic Revolution was the least the oppressed nation of Iran could and should do about the Baha’i leaders and activists.

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