Ridvan Massage of UHJ-2022


If you join Baha’is around the world in celebrating the 12 day festival of Ridvan, you can easily find  the importance of this cermony.

Todays, the significant of Ridvan for Baha’is can summerized in two headlines:

   1-The Commemorating of Bahaulla’s proclaim                                    

   2-The new message of Universal House of Justice

Baha’is beleive that Bahullah, the leader of Baha’i Faith, annonced himself as a Manifestation of God. He has stayed in the Garden of Najib Pasha outside Baghdad for twelve days with his family (Then, the Ottman Empire exiled him to Constantinople). So, Baha’is are happy these days which is named Ridvan Festival.

Since the UHJ is the most official authority of the Baha’i community after the Guardian of the Cause of God, every year on the first day of Ridvan, all its greetings to Baha’is around the world summerizes in a statment. Although the statement is issued in the name of Ridvan, in fact, it is declared not only to the Baha’is but also to the world the roadmap of Baha’i organization in the coming year.

Few days ago, the Ridvan message was published. The statment of the UHJ fullfiled probabilities. Four index subjects in its statement concentrate the public view:

  1-Introducing ‘Abdu’l-Baha as the exemplar of Baha’is

  2-Incresing the clusters in the world

  3- Holding social discourses and conferences

  4-Establishing the new Local Mashriq al-adhkārs (House of Worship)

The first page of the statement establishes a good link between the success of the Baha’i community over the past year and the 100th. anniversary of the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. It reminds the Baha’i community of being an example of ‘Abdu’l-Baha to draw inspiration from his service to humanity as a model for further progress during next year’s plan.

Of course, ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s services are exemplary! His services as evidenced by the Baha’i history papers can be listed:

*Service to humanity

The conferment of a knighthood upon Him at a ceremony specially held for His sake in Haifa, at the residence of the British Governor, at which notables of various communities had assembled.” [1]

History reports that just British Soldiers were good human in ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s opinion. Because the wheat of Akka was dedicated to British Army while the people of Haifa were living in famine and war.

If ‘Abdu’l-Baha was a divine messenger, why has been rewarded with Sir Title by a colonial and occupying state?

*Respect to humanity

The [black Africans] are cows that God has created with human faces[2].

Isn’t this an insult to Africans and racism?

*Kindness with his family

“Once he grabbed his younger sister (Foroughieh Khanum) by force and angrily, and struck her several times on the head. The incident took place in front of the eyes of many relatives and Baha’is. Abbas Effendi ignored them and continued to beat her. And in a loud voice, he uttered harsh and ugly words to her … After that, her sister became paralyzed and slept in bed for five years” [3].

This behavior can be understandable when Baha’is remember ‘Abdu’l-Baha’ statement:

It should be fair how we can hope for the education of the people of world from the souls who have failed in educating their children, families and families. Is there any bit of doubt in this case?” [4]


  “In each cycle the guardian and holy souls have been twelve. So, Jacob had twelve sons; in the time of Moses there were heads or chiefs of the tribes; in the time of Christ there were twelve Apostles; and in the time of Mohammad there were twelve Imams. But in this glorious manifestation there are twenty-four, double the number of all the others, for the greatness of this manifestation requires it.”[5]

Now, where are the rest of promised gaurdians?! Where did the other twenty three ones flight out ??


The UHJ is so accustomed to generalization that it does not know Baha’is should be called to follow the example of which behavior of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in the Baha’i texts! The UHJ seems to have deceived the Baha’is again with its lies.

The request of increasing clusters means increasing the influence of the Baha’i organization in the economic and social societies of countries in order to conquer governments due to form a unique Baha’i government. Certainly, no government of any country pursues such an ominous goal in parallel. Therefore, the next step of this plan is described by the UHJ as holding social discourses. In these discourses, members of the Baha’i community, in any level and position, discipline, or occupation influence on organizations, institutions or centers or non-governmental organizations to convey their ideas and thoughts in the form of friendly discourses and counseling to communities (the clusters). The rise to power of the Baha’i advisory body in these communities will definitely bring the Baha’i community one step closer to taking power in that country.

    Now, which government and country are ready to kill itself with a cushion and replace the Baha’i government in its own country?! Do International Regulatory Agencies consider this silent influence as the progress of societies or the monopolization of the power of some traitors?!

The Baha’i organization and the UHJ have always insisted on establishing themselves as a divine religion in the society. Thus, in parallel with the offensive propaganda plan, it has ordered Local Spiritual Assemblies and National one to build the Local Mashriq al-adhkār. Beautiful buildings in the name of the unity of prayer and supplication create a platform for the propagation of more and more Baha’ism in the communities. Buildings that the UHJ has promised to build! Indeed, if the UHJ has these large financial assets at its disposal, why not devote a percentage of it to raising the living standards of Baha’is and the well-being of Baha’is’ families? While the UHJ recently promised Baha’i’s compensation for the fire at ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s grave!!

Where and how are these financial resources provided so quickly?!



[1]. Shoghi Effendi, God passes by, p.171; Qarn-e Badi (Persian copy-101 Badi) p.299.

[2]. Abdu’l-Bahā, Khaṭābāt (Tehran) (Persian copy), vol. 3, p. 48.

[3]. Dr. George Khairullah, The Truth about Baha’is (Persian copy), p.60

[4]. Abdul-Baha, Makatib (Persian copy-Egypt 1921), vol.2 p.182.

[5]. “Some Answered Questions” (Mofavezat); Chapter 11 Commentary on the Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of St. John, p.44.

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