Browsing Category


Was Baha’ullah a Prophet or God??!

Introduction In Islam, worship of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is one of the gravest sins you can commit. Muslims don’t like being called ‘Muhammeddans’ as they believe that it gives the wrong impression that they worship the Holy Prophet…

Shoghi Effendi Contradicts Abdul-Baha

    During Abdul-Baha’s visit to London in 1911, he had the following interaction with a Christian…           A student of the modern methods of the higher criticism asked Abdul-Baha if he would do well to continue in the church with…

19 Myths Baha’is LOVE!!!!

by Edwin     Myth #1: The Bab and Baha’u’llah were anti-slavery            Truth: Both owned, bought, and sold black slaves. Baha’u’llah forbade the slave trade in the Aqdas, not slavery itself. One of the first laws that the…

Five Clear Lies of Abdul-Bahá’

           In this article I want to point out some of the predictions of the so called ‘Great Baha’i Leader’ Abdu’l-Baha which never came true. All those predictions proved that he was a fraud and a great Liar. Abdu'l-Baha in…


  By Denis Mac Eoin       BĀB “door, gate, entrance”: a term of varied applications.             It is applied differently in several sects to a rank in the spiritual hierarchy, either as conceived in transcendent terms or as actually…

The Babism

           A religious thought appeared in Persia around 1844 at the invitation of a man from the people of Shiraz, known as Ali Muhammad. He was a disciple of some of the students of Sheikh Ahmad Zainuddin Al-Ahsa’ei, who combined Sufi…