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Unitarian Bahá’ís Commemorating the “Day of the Empty Throne” on 20th November
The Day of the Empty Throne commemorates the anniversary of the day (20th. November, 1957), on which the Hands of the Cause voted to declare the office of Guardianship of the Bahá'í Faith permanently vacant, basing their…
A Tribute to Mohammed Ali Effendi and Obituary
By Kamar Bahai
This short essay is a circular letter or pamphlet that Kamar Bahá'í wrote in February 1953 called “Mohammad Ali Effendi.” Section headings have been added.
While eulogizing her uncle Mohammed…
Will and Testament
By Mohammed Ali Bahai
This is the spiritual will and testament of Baha’u’llah’s son Mohammed Ali Bahai, who passed away on December 10, 1937 at the age of 84— approximately 16 years after the passing of his elder…
The Funeral of Mohammed Ali Bahai
By Skua Ullah Behai
This chapter was the last part of Shua Ullah Behai’s memoirs (the rest of which is reproduced as Chapter 30). Besides simply honoring his late father, the point of this description of the elder Mr.…
A Tribute to Ghusn-i-At’har Zia Ullah Effendi
By Shua Ullah Bahá'í
This chapter is taken from a chapter called “The Two Younger Branches, the Leaves, and Their Spouses” in Shua Ullah Bahá'í’s book manuscript. A section heading has been added.
Not many…
Autobiography By Mohammed Ali Bahai
This memoir by the second son of Baha’u’llah who survived him— the first child of his second wife—was included in Shua Ullah Bahá'í’s book manuscript. It was likely written in the early to mid 1930s, when the author was…
An Interview with Ghusn-i-Akbar
By Shua Ullah Behai and Mohammed Ali Bahai
This formal interview of Mohammed Ali Bahai by his son Shua Ullah, originally titled “My Interview with Ghusni Alcbar Mohammed Ali Behai, The Eldest Living Son of Beha ’U’llah,”…
Message to the Believers in America
By Mohammed Ali and Badi Ullah Bahai
This circular letter, written eight years after the passing of Baha’-u’llah by the eldest and youngest sons of his second wife, was sent to Ibrahim G. Kheiralla to be read by the…
A Tribute to ‘Abdu’l-Baha and Doubts About His Will
By Kamar Bahai
This short essay is a circular letter or pamphlet that Kamar Bahai wrote in early 1953 called “Abdul Baha Abbas.” Section headings have been added. Mrs. Bahai praises ‘Abdu’l-Baha effusively and does not…
Independent Investigation of Truth, or Child Registration?
A Bahai view*
This article endeavors to examine legality (both as per the Bahá'í Writings and the generally accepted human values) of Child Registration in the Bahá'í Faith, and establish our responsibility as Members of…